7.1.I. Offer Letters

It is the responsibility of the department chair to see that a candidate for appointment as an Instructor is informed in writing of, and agrees to, the terms and conditions of their proposed appointment before hire. The approved offer letter template is available in the Faculty Affairs Resources section on the Office of Academic Affairs’ website. An offer letter addendum is required if there are changes to an Instructor’s percent time of appointment, assigned role and responsibilities, and/or compensation other than an increase occurring as a midyear salary adjustment or as part of the annual salary setting process. The approved addendum template is also available on the Office of Academic Affairs website.

Similarly, Instructors (Affiliated) are to receive a Letter of Invitation from the department chair or director of the Institute or Center to which they are to be appointed stating the start date, end date, and the terms and conditions of the appointment. The approved template is available in the Faculty Affairs Resources section on the Office of Academic Affairs’ website.

All offers are contingent upon final review and approval by the School of Medicine.