2.8.A Coterminous Appointments
Certain faculty appointments can be made coterminous with specified circumstances, such as continued salary or other support from sponsored projects, or an administrative or other appointment at Stanford or an affiliated institution.
Examples of such appointments include, but are not limited to:
- Non-Tenure Line (Research) appointments;
- Certain School of Medicine appointments (including Tenure Line) with assignments at the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Health Care System, the Northern California Cancer Center, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, and the Palo Alto Medical Foundation;
- Individuals with appointments that are coterminous with support from sponsored projects or from an affiliated institution are not subject to the same provisions for notice of non-renewal as appointees whose appointments are not coterminous.
As a general rule, the appointment (even if for a term of years or for a continuing term) ends at the same time the funding and/or other support or administrative assignment ceases. Although School funding beyond the point at which the faculty member’s support terminates may be possible in certain instances, it is not an entitlement. Such situations are handled on a case-by-case basis, as are cases when a reduction (as opposed to a complete cessation) of the faculty member’s support will result in the immediate termination of the appointment.