- Courtesy Identification Card: Since proper identification is a condition for use of facilities and services, a Courtesy Identification Card is available to each member of the Adjunct Clinical Faculty for their individual use. Courtesy Identification Cards may be obtained at Tressider Union, 459 Lagunita Drive, 2nd floor. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 12:30pm and 1:00 to 5:00pm. A fee is assessed for all Courtesy Identification Cards. Further information is available at the Campus Card Office website.
- SUNetId: The SUNetId is a unique account name that identifies the Adjunct Clinical Faculty as a member of the Stanford community. An Adjunct Clinical Faculty member must have a SUNetId to complete certain electronic policy acknowledgments required by your appointment. A SUNetId requires department sponsorship.
- Lane Medical Library: Full borrowing privileges and use of interlibrary loan and remote computerized search services are available in accordance with Library regulations. One regular proxy privilege will be extended to a member of the Adjunct Clinical Faculty. The Adjunct Clinical Faculty member may obtain family courtesy privileges; applications for these family courtesy privileges should be made weekdays from 8:00am to 5:00pm.
- University Courses: Adjunct Clinical Faculty may audit lecture courses in the University, in accordance with University policy. In all cases of auditing, prior approval of the Registrar and prior consent of the instructor is required.
- Athletic Facilities and Events: Privileges are available to members of the Adjunct Clinical Faculty at various athletic facilities on campus. The golf course is not included. Availability and access will be in accordance with the policies and practices established by the Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation. Members of the Adjunct Clinical Faculty are eligible to purchase a Family Swim Recreation Card, available only in the summer.
- Faculty Club: Adjunct Clinical Faculty may apply to become Cardinal members of the Faculty Club. Cardinal members, currently capped at 350, pay a one-time initiation fee and annual dues. Membership entitles the Adjunct Clinical Faculty member and spouse to full privileges of the Faculty Club. Cardinal membership application forms are available at the Faculty Club Office.
- Parking: Adjunct Clinical Faculty with medical staff privileges can access free parking in the 500P Garage located near the Ambulatory Surgery Center/Cancer Center. A parking access form must be completed in order to acquire a permit. Adjunct Clinical Faculty may request a parking access form by contacting parking@stanfordhealthcare.org or 650-736-8000.