1.6.B. Faculty
The faculty of the School of Medicine consists of the Academic Council Professoriate and the University Medical Line.
1. Academic Council Professoriate
The Academic Council Professoriate includes Tenure Line faculty at all ranks and Non-Tenure Line faculty at all ranks. The latter consists of three lines: the Clinical Line (to which there have been no new appointments since 1989), the Research Line and the Teaching Line. For definitions and additional information concerning University Governance, see Handbook for Academic Council Faculty, University Medical Line Faculty, Academic Staff-Teaching and Other Teaching Staff (the University's Faculty Handbook), Chapter 1.2. For detailed information relative to the Medical School, see Chapter 2 of this handbook.
2. University Medical Line
The University Medical Line includes faculty at all ranks. For definitions and additional information concerning University Governance, see the University's Faculty Handbook, Chapter 1.2. For detailed information relative to the Medical School, see Chapter 2 of this handbook.