Chapter 1: The School of Medicine
Table of Contents
1.1 Mission & Background of the School
1.1.A. School of Medicine Vision
1.1.B. Mission of the School of Medicine
1.1.C. History of the School of Medicine
1.2 School of Medicine Deans
1.3 Administrative Structure of the School of Medicine
1.3.A. Dean
1.3.B. Vice Dean and Senior Associate Deans
1.3.C. Associate Deans
1.3.D. Assistant Deans
1.4 The Medical Center
1.5 Departmental Structure
1.5.A. Departments in the School of Medicine
- Basic Sciences Departments
- Clinical Sciences Departments
1.5.B. Department Chairs
1.5.C. Acting Department Chairs
1.5.D. Associate Chairs of Departments
1.5.E. Departmental Divisions and Sections and Division and Section Chiefs
1.5.F. Program Directors and other School and Departmental Administrative Positions
1.6 Executive Committee and Faculty
1.6.A. Executive Committee
- Executive Committee Organization
1.6.B. Faculty
- Academic Council Professoriate
- University Medical Line
1.7. Staff
1.7.A. Academic Staff
1.7.B. Clinician Educators
1.7.C. Other Teaching Titles
1.8 The Faculty Council and Faculty Senate
1.8.A. The Faculty Council of the School of Medicine
1.8.B. The School of Medicine Faculty Senate
- Bylaws of the Stanford University School of Medicine Faculty Senate