2.3 University Medical Line (UML): Criteria and Guidelines for Appointment, Reappointment, and Promotion
Table of Contents
2.3.A. Definition
2.3.B. Billet and Other Resource Allocations
- Billet Authorization
- Business Plan
- Funding of Protected Time for Scholarship
2.3.C. Searches and Waivers of Search
2.3.D. Medical Staff Privileges
2.3.E. Ranks and Titles
2.3.F. Duration of Appointments
- Term Appointments
- Extension of Term Appointments
- Continuing Term Appointments
- Coterminous Nature of the Appointments
2.3.G. Progression through the Ranks
- Career Trajectory
- Timing of the Reappointment Review
- Timing of the Promotion Review
2.3.H. Criteria
- Proportionality of Contributions
- Excellence in the Overall Mix
- Regional and National Recognition
- Criteria by Area of Primary Contribution
2.3.I. Application of the Criteria
- Standards of Excellence, Acceptable or Unacceptable Performance
- Factors in Applying the Criteria
2.3.J. Establishing, Monitoring and Applying Proportionality of Contributions
- Establishing, Monitoring or Changing the Proportionality of Contributions
- Documenting Proportionality of Contributions for the Review Process
- Clinical Care Proportionality
- Scholarship Proportionality
2.3.K. Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Assistant Professors
- Appointment
- Reappointment
2.3.L. Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Associate Professors
- Appointment
- Reappointment
- Promotion
2.3.M. Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Professors
- Appointment
- Reappointment
- Promotion