9.5.A. Paid Absences

1. Paid Sick Leave Law

 Instructors are eligible for paid sick leave consistent with California law.

 2. Time Off with Pay

Clinical Scholars will receive time off with pay, if eligible, through their non-  ACGME Residency or Fellowship training program.   

3. Family Care and Medical Leaves

Clinical Scholars are eligible for time off due to their own serious health condition (including pregnancy disability), the serious health condition of a family member, to bond with a new baby or in connection with military service. For information regarding types of leaves, criteria for each leave and duration, including those available under the Family Medical Leave Act, the California Family Rights Act and California’s Pregnancy Disability Leave law, see Administrative Guide Section 2.3.5. Specific questions should be directed to University Human Resources, Disability and Leave Services. If a Clinical Scholar is disabled, they are expected to file for short-term disability benefits.