6.2.D. Factors in Applying the Criteria for Appointment, Reappointment and Promotion

Determination of satisfaction of applicable criteria is based on material accumulated during the appointment, reappointment or promotion review process; documentation that explicitly and tangibly supports both the quality of performance and the quantity of contributions is required.

The professional judgment of those assessing these data is the critical factor in determining whether the faculty member’s accomplishments meet the standard of excellence in the overall mix of contributions.

Evaluation should be of total performance.  Taking into consideration the proportionality of contributions, appropriate weight should be given to the quality and quantity of work in the following categories:

1. Attending

The role of attending physician for teaching purposes is defined as instruction or supervision of medical students or postdoctoral trainees in the patient care setting of the nursing unit, operating room, clinic or private office.  These normally are scheduled assignments in which the Adjunct Clinical Faculty member assumes a major teaching responsibility.

2. Teaching

Lectures, seminars, conferences or tutorials by the Adjunct Clinical Faculty member, or participation in the teaching of regular courses, are considered formal instruction.  Preparation time may be considered as part of the Adjunct Clinical Faculty member’s commitment to such an assignment.  Attendance at conferences, rounds and other teaching exercises as an observer or casual participant is not considered formal instruction by the Adjunct Clinical Faculty member.

In teaching activities, such factors relevant to whether the standards for teaching have been met may include a positive style of interaction with students; availability; professionalism; institutional compliance and ethics; effective communication skills; helpfulness in learning; and ability to work effectively as part of the teaching team.

3. Research

Based on programmatic need, and at the discretion of the department, conduct of, or participation in, departmental research projects (that is, research projects in collaboration with a member of the Professoriate) may also be a significant academic activity for purposes of Adjunct Clinical Faculty education.  In conducting and reporting their research, members of the Adjunct Clinical Faculty are expected to abide by the high standards of care and scientific inquiry expected of members of the Professoriate.

For those Adjunct Clinical Faculty members who engage in scholarly activities, such factors relevant to whether the standards for scholarship have been met include the ability to work effectively as part of a research team; effective communication with colleagues, staff and students; and professionalism, institutional compliance and ethics.

4. Other

Membership on departmental and School committees, as well as advisory or consulting roles related to the department, School or University, constitutes valuable academic activities to be recognized in evaluating the contributions of the Adjunct Clinical Faculty member.  In addition, Adjunct Clinical Faculty members will be evaluated for their compliance with applicable professional, ethical, University, and School rules and policies and for their constructive and positive contribution to the academic and clinical enterprise.

Departmental programs differ.  Therefore, the need for and nature of academic activities by an Adjunct Clinical Faculty member may justify additions to the above definitions provided that the activity defined as “academic” demonstrably contributes to the teaching, research or patient care program and/or to the successful operation of the department and of the School.

The Adjunct Clinical Faculty are not expected to take leadership positions in the academic enterprise, and are thus not eligible to serve in such capacities except under extraordinary circumstances with the prior approval of the Vice Dean.