Chapter 6: Adjunct Clinical Faculty (ACF)
Table of Contents
6.1 Definitions, Titles and Ranks, Duration of Appointments
6.1.A. Definition and Role
6.1.B. Academic Qualifications
6.1.C. Licensure and Clinical Privileges
6.1.D. Titles and Ranks
6.1.E. Duration of Appointments
- Term Appointments
- Secondary Appointments
6.1.F. Terminations and Nonrenewal
6.1.G. Confidentiality
6.1.H. Records Retention
6.2 Criteria and Application of Criteria for Appointment, Reappointment and Promotion
6.2.A. Criteria
6.2.B. Academic Contribution
6.2.C. Regional and National Recognition
6.2.D. Factors in Applying the Criteria for Appointment, Reappointment and Promotion
- Attending
- Teaching
- Research
- Other
6.2.E. Respectful Workplace
6.2.F. Reappointments
6.2.G. Promotions
6.2.H. Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Adjunct Clinical Instructors
- Appointment as Adjunct Clinical Instructor
- Reappointment as Adjunct Clinical Instructor
- Promotion from Adjunct Clinical Instructor to Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor
6.2.I. Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professors
- Appointment as Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor
- Reappointment as Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor
- Promotion from Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor to Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor
6.2.J. Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Adjunct Clinical Associate Professors
- Appointment as Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor
- Reappointment as Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor
- Promotion from Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor to Adjunct Clinical Professor
6.2.K. Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Adjunct Clinical Professors
- Appointment as Adjunct Clinical Professor
- Reappointment as Adjunct Clinical Professor
- Appointment as Adjunct Clinical Professor, Emeritus or Emerita
6.3 Evaluation Processes at the Department and School Levels
6.3.A. Overview
6.3.B. Evaluation of Academic Activities
6.3.C. Confidentiality
6.3.D. Role of the Department Chair
6.3.E. Timing of Evaluations
6.3.F. Department Review
6.3.G. Review by the Office of Academic Affairs
6.3.H. The School of Medicine Appointments and Promotions Committee
- Purpose
- Composition
- Terms of Service
- Function
- Meetings and Quorum
- Voting and Recusal
- Decision by the Vice Dean (or a designate)
6.4 Privileges
6.4.A. Active Member Privileges
- Courtesy Identification Card
- SUNet ID
- Lane Medical Library
- University Courses
- Athletic Facilities and Events
- Faculty Club
- Parking