9.4.A. Compensation
Salary is set annually, with changes based on merit, performance, department resources, and in accordance with the overall annual salary programs promulgated by the Provost and the School of Medicine. Changes in salary occur annually and are effective for the start of the fiscal year.
The Dean of the School of Medicine (or their delegate) approves a Clinical Scholar’s salary on recommendation from the department chair in advance of any commitment to the candidate. Compensation consists of a base salary and may have a performance-based incentive subject to eligibility and performance. Departments must utilize equitable pay practices, including salaries aligned with an approved Department Salary Step Progression table, if applicable, when determining compensation. Departments are to ensure individual differences in pay for Clinical Scholars doing substantially similar work are appropriately based on seniority, merit, the quantity or quality of work and/or other bona fide factors such as education, training and experience applicable to the business requirements of the position, as well as considering if the Clinical Scholar meets the funding expectations appropriate for their rank and line. If proposed total compensation (base plus any administrative supplement) or total annual incentive equals or exceeds the limits set by the Stanford University Board of Trustees Compensation Committee, advance approval by the Provost and that Committee is required.
If a Clinical Scholar is concurrently employed by Stanford University and by the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System (“VAPAHCS”), the Stanford base salary will be prorated by the University and paid based on the percentage of the School of Medicine appointment. The VAPAHCS will pay the Clinical Scholar at its rate for the VAPAHCS portion of employment.