5.5.B. Terms & other Conditions of Appointment
Appointments to this position will be rare and typically there will be no more than one or two Professors of the Practice in a school at a time.
Involvement in departmental or school activities will vary according to the programmatic need and policies of the particular unit. Professors of the Practice may teach graduate seminars; however, they may not direct graduate research or be principal advisors on masters or doctoral theses. Professors of the Practice are not eligible to act as principal investigators on sponsored research projects.
Professors of the Practice are not members of the professoriate and do not accrue tenure, nor do they participate in regular departmental, school or institute governance. An individual appointed as a Professor of the Practice shall meet annually with the department chair or institute director.
Background checks are required for Professors of the Practice. Appointments are anticipated to be of short duration (no more than 3 years in SoM) and renewals will be rare.
Appointments may be terminated for just cause, when satisfactory performance ceases or for programmatic reasons, including budgetary considerations. Professors of the Practice may apply for leave without salary. Such leaves must be reviewed for approval by the individual’s dean.
University policies regarding Professors of the Practice can be found in the Stanford University Faculty Handbook: Chapter 9