2.6.G. Criteria
The University recognizes that there are significant variations in how candidates qualify for and secure initial appointment, reappointment and promotion, according to field and discipline. Faculty or faculty candidates come from different backgrounds and receive different educational training. Nevertheless, all faculty appointments have in common the requirement of excellence, however measured.
The overriding requirement for faculty appointment, reappointment and promotion in the Teaching Line is excellence in teaching, broadly defined.
Faculty in the Teaching Line have a different institutional role than the Tenure Line professoriate and are evaluated (in general) by higher standards with respect to teaching, the area in which they are expected to spend a large portion of their time and effort. Typically, the prospective or current faculty member’s expertise enhances or expands the academic impact of strong clinical or research programs ongoing in the School of Medicine.
Under most circumstances, it is expected that Teaching Line faculty will extend their successes at Stanford to broader regional or national audiences. For appointment or reappointment to the rank of Associate Professor, there should be evidence that candidates have attained regional recognition for excellence in teaching and pedagogical activities. For appointment, reappointment or promotion to the rank of Professor, there should be evidence that candidates have attained national recognition for excellence in teaching and pedagogical activities. Such regional or national recognition should normally be confirmed in letters from independent external referees who do not have mentoring, collaborative or other relationships with the candidate that might raise a question about objectivity.
While there is no formal research obligation, there must be acceptable performance (or in the case of Assistant Professors, the promise of acceptable performance) in any research role appropriate to the programmatic need the individual is expected to fulfill. Such programmatic need (including financial viability) that contributes to the academic program of the department should be evaluated and must be established for each appointment, reappointment and promotion. Although faculty in this line are discouraged from clinical care commitments, if such activity takes place, the performance must be excellent.