Adopted February 1989 and subsequently amended
2.3.A. Definition
The role of a University Medical Line (UML) faculty member is defined by engagement in clinical care, teaching, and scholarly activity that advances clinical medicine. Faculty at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor may also perform in an administrative role (broadly defined as institutional service).
All appointments, reappointments and promotions in the UML are dependent upon excellence in the overall mix of contributions that is consistent with the high standards of Stanford University (see Section 2.3.I.). Such actions are also dependent upon programmatic need (including budgetary considerations), which may be evaluated in the context of the clinical program as a whole and/or of the individual’s specific contributions.
The proportion of time and effort dedicated to the areas of clinical care, teaching and scholarship will depend upon the strategic goals and programmatic needs of the department and School, and will also take into consideration the interests and strengths of the faculty member. Candidates for appointment, reappointment and promotion will be evaluated according to the apportionment of their efforts in each area as described in Sections 2.3.H. and 2.3.I.
UML faculty are members of the Professoriate of Stanford University and of the School of Medicine’s Faculty Council.