2.5.J. Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Assistant Professors

1. Appointment as Assistant Professor (Research)

Individuals appointed as Assistant Professors in the Research Line will have completed one or two years of postdoctoral research experience and, where applicable, will have completed housestaff training. Their accomplishments during graduate and postgraduate training should already have stamped them as creative and promising investigators. There should be evidence of the ability to obtain external funding as well as the promise of outstanding performance as a supervisor of graduate students. Appointment is based on evidence of (or the promise of) high-level performance in research, and (if applicable) teaching and clinical care.

    The initial term of appointment will be four years.  This appointment is coterminous with continued salary and other research support from sponsored research projects.

    2. Reappointment as Assistant Professor (Research)

    Assistant Professors in the Research Line are assessed for reappointment on the basis of their performance and achievements in the areas of scholarship, and, if applicable, teaching and clinical care.  They may be reappointed based on evidence of progress, high-level performance, and their continuing to fill a programmatic need.  There should be evidence that the candidate will continue to make meritorious contributions to their discipline and to the School.  There should also be evidence of the ability to obtain external funding, as well as the promise of outstanding performance as a supervisor of graduate students.

    At the time of reappointment, it is expected that an Assistant Professor will be on a career trajectory consistent with both Stanford standards and the standards of their discipline in scholarship, and (if applicable) teaching and clinical care.  The reappointment process should include an evaluation of whether there is a realistic chance for promotion in the future on the basis of continuation of the candidate’s work.

    The term of reappointment will be three years.  Total time in service at Stanford as Assistant Professor (Research) is normally limited to seven (or, with approved extensions, up to ten years).  This reappointment is coterminous with continued salary and other research support from sponsored projects.

    For the timing of reappointment consideration, see Section 2.5.G.