7.1.C. Definition of Instructor (Affiliated)
An Instructor (Affiliated) is not an employee of Stanford University. An Instructor (Affiliated) is employed by another institution with which the School of Medicine, Stanford Health Care and/or Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital has an affiliation agreement. An Instructor (Affiliated) demonstrates an interest in and potential for a successful academic career in investigation and teaching and whose contributions advance the missions of Stanford University and Stanford Medicine.
The appointment and reappointment criteria, duration, evidentiary requirements and review processes are generally the same for these individuals as for Instructors who are paid by Stanford.
Instructor (Affiliated) is an academic title only, rather than an employment category. An Instructor (Affiliated) does not receive compensation by or through Stanford University. Thus, the sections below that relate to Stanford employees are generally not applicable to an Instructor (Affiliated).
When using their Instructor (Affiliated) title, appointees must include the word “(Affiliated)”.
Appointment as an Instructor (Affiliated) entitles the individual to identify themselves as such and to include their Instructor (Affiliated) title on stationary, business cards, and in scholarly publications - only when the subject research relates specifically to the Instructor (Affiliated) member’s Stanford-related duties, activities and responsibilities.