2.7.E. Assessment by the Department Chair
The department chair initiates the appointment, reappointment or promotion evaluation after making an appropriate assessment of the candidate’s credentials; in larger departments, the department chair may seek the advice of the candidate’s division regarding its assessment. The department chair may choose to concur with or reject a positive or negative assessment by the division in reaching their own assessment.
If the department chair’s assessment is negative, the negative recommendation will be forwarded to the Vice Dean for consideration, with the appropriate documentation to explain the negative recommendation. In such cases for reappointment or promotion actions, it is expected that this documentation will include a summary of discussions held during annual counseling meetings with the faculty member.
In cases where the Vice Dean concurs with a negative recommendation by the department chair (after consultation with and with the approval of the Dean), certain protocols must be observed by the department chair in thereafter reporting the decision to the candidate. The Office of Academic Affairs should be consulted for assistance with the matter.
In instances where, in their judgment and discretion, the Vice Dean does not concur with a negative recommendation by the department chair, the case may be remanded back to the department for further consideration.
If the department chair’s assessment is positive, the department chair proceeds to a full evaluation by appointment of a Departmental Evaluation Committee.