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CYMHW: Resources
Helpful Numbers
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Suicide prevention telephone hotline funded by the U.S. government. Provides free, 24-hour assistance. - 24 hour Suicide and Crisis Line (Santa Clara County): 650-494-8420 or 408-279-3312
- EMQ Crisis Team (Santa Clara County): 408-379-9085 or 877-412-7474
- San Mateo County Crisis Line: 650-579-0350
Mental Health Organizations And Resources
- American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)
- eAACAP Depression esource Center
- NIMH, Depression in Children & Adolescents
- American Psychological Association: The Road to Resilience
- Mayo Clinic: Resilience
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
Resource Guides
- The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Implement the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention
- Information on typical adolescent social/emotional development and when to seek help
- Parent's guide to recognizing and treating depression in youth from the Youth Suicide Prevention Program.
- NAMI's booklet entitled "What Families Should Know About Adolescent Depression and Treatment Options"
- NIMH downloadable brochure entitled "Treatment of Children with Mental Illness"
Selected Resources On Mental Health And Resilience
- Depression Bipolar Support Alliance
- National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- The Suicide Prevention Resource Center
- Jed Foundation (Devoted to college mental health & suicide prevention)
- HEARD Alliance: Collaborative among healthcare agencies, schools and providers in the South Bay
- Project Safety Net Palo Alto
- Reachout.com {Peer support with clinical oversight}
- NAMI (Nat’l Alliance on Mental Illness) {family support and advocacy}
Selected Resources on Mental Health and Trauma
- “Overloaded And Underprepared: Strategies For Stronger Schools And Healthy, Successful Kids”, Denise Clark Pope, Maureen Brown, & Sarah Miles; Guilford (2015)
- “Wise Minded Parenting: 7 Essentials For Raising Successful Tweens + Teens”, Laura Kastner; The Parent Map (2013)
- “Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding Of Happiness And Well-Being”, Martin E.P. Seligman; Atria Books (2012)
- “How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk”; Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish; Scribner (2012)
- “Staying Connected To Your Teenager: How To Keep Them Talking To You, And How To Hear What They're Really Saying” Michael Riera, Phd (2003)
- “Uncommon Sense For Parents With Teenagers”, Revised Ed., Michael Riera, Phd, Celestial Arts, 2004
- “Surviving Your Adolescents: How To Manage And Let Go Of Your 13-18 Year Olds”, 2nd Ed. Thomas Phelan, Phd, Cmi, 1998
- “The Good Enough Child: How To Have An Imperfect Family And Be Totally Satisfied”, Brad Sachs, Phd, Quill, 2001
- “The Confident Child: Raising Children To Believe In Themselves”, Terri Apter, Phd, Bantam, 1997
- “Out Of The Darkened Room: When A Parent Is Depressed: Protecting The Children And Strengthening The Family”, Beardslee, Little Brown, 2002
- “Helping Your Anxious Child: A Step By Step Guide”, Ron Rapee Et Al, New Harbinger, 2000
- “Helping Your Teenager Beat Depression: A Problem-Solving Approach For Families”, Manassis & Levac, Woodbine House, 2004
- “Eight Stories Up: An Adolescent Chooses Hope Over Suicide”, Levine & Brent, Oxford University Press, 2008 (From The Adolescent Mental Health Initiative, Of The Annenberg Public Policy Center)
- “Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be: An Antidote To The College Admissions Mania”, Frank Bruni; Grand Central Publ. 2016
- “Teaching Kids With Mental Health & Learning Disorders In The Regular Classroom”, Myles L. Cooley, Phd; Free Spirit Publ. 2007
- “Reaching And Teaching Children Who Hurt: Strategies For Your Classroom”, Susan E. Craig; Brookes Publ; 2008
- “Neurobiologically Informed Trauma Therapy With Children And Adolescents: Understanding Mechanisms Of Change”, Linda Chapman; Ww Norton Publ. 2014
- “Cbits: Cognitive Behavioral Intervention For Trauma In Schools”, Lisa Jaycox; Sopris West Publ. 2004
- “Cue-Centered Therapy For Youth Experiencing Posttraumatic Symptoms” Therapist Guide, Victor Carrion; Oxford Publ. 2016