CNI-X Mini-Series: Healthy Sleep, with Dr. Rafael Pelayo

April 2024

Teens have no greater ally in their life challenges than Dr. Rafael Pelayo, Stanford Psychiatry Clinical Professor and Sleep Medicine Specialist at the Stanford Sleep Medicine Center.

An advocate of healthy sleep for all, Dr. Pelayo is especially passionate about how we - as a society - make it nearly impossible, through school schedules and achievement pressures, for kids to get the sleep they need. In his CNI-X presentation, Dr. Pelayo helps participants see the connection between healthy sleep and the very quality of their lives and relationships. In this mini-pod in our series on the Clinical Neuroscience Immersion Experience for high schoolers through the Stanford Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences you’ll hear why Dr. Pelayo is one of the unforgettable presenters in the two-week program.

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