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Clinical Neuroscience Immersion
Experience Plus (CNI-X+) at Stanford University

“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

In recent years, increased attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) issues have highlighted social inequalities across various sectors in medicine, including education and clinical care. Increasing diversity and inclusion in medicine is multifactorial.  A key factor which has potential to have lasting impact is the engagement and support of youth who can become part of the changing landscape of medicine. The CNI-X+ program has been developed to address this need.

CNI-X+ is a companion program for underrepresented minority students (URM*) intended to complement the summer CNI-X program for high school students. CNI-X+ provides a sense of belonging and additional mentorship for these students on the road to higher education as they tackle and confront issues unique to people of color in medicine.  By increasing knowledge of issues related to people of color in healthcare and building a supportive community of URM students, CNI-X+ strives to assist students on their path to careers in the field of neuroscience.  Participants enrolled in the program will meet with a cohort of peers during their CNI-X summer session as well as participate in additional virtual meetings throughout the school year. Click here for a sample schedule from past years.

Students interested in participating in CNI-X+ should complete the CNI-X application and indicate their interest in CNI-X+ in the appropriate section. 

CNI-X+ Leadership

Whitney Daniels, MD
Clinical Associate Professor
Assistant Director, CNI-X
Co-Director, CNI-X+
Laura Turner-Essel, PhD
Program Manager, CNI-X & CNI-X+
Sharon E. Williams PhD
Co-Director, CNI-X+
Clinical Professor

* The URM category includes all individuals who have self-identified as American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander (for students only, this is limited to US Citizens and permanent residents).