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Tools and Resources

Media and Mental Health Initiative

External Resources

We include these resources for information purposes only and are not responsible for the content.

Tool for Evaluating Media Portrayals of Suicide

Tool for Evaluating Media Portrayals of Suicide (TEMPOS) is the first tool that allows media professionals, public health officials, researchers, and suicide prevention experts to assess adherence to the recommended reporting guidelines with a user-friendly, standardized rating scale. The scale can be used to monitor changes in reporting over time and how reporting varies across articles, authors, and publications. We offer TEMPOS both as a PDF download and as an interactive web-based tool.

Reporting Responsibly on Campus Suicide

Reporting Responsibly On Campus Suicide (RROCS) seeks to provide a set of guidelines and comprehensive education for students writing about campus suicides, as well as suggest effective strategies for covering wellness in the aftermath of crisis. RROCS is based on the extensive recommendations developed by leading experts in the fields of suicide prevention, journalism, and mental health to help journalists cover suicide without substantially increasing the risk for suicidal behavior.

Social Media and Youth Mental Health

Although the near ubiquity of social media in modern society has raised important questions about its potentially detrimental impacts on youth, discussions often center on its individual effects, largely on risks, prioritizing adult perspectives over young people's lived experience. Social Media and Youth Mental Health offers a broader, multi-generational perspective.

Examining the influence of social media on children and young people from many different yet interconnected angles, the book draws from the expertise of 41 scholars and clinicians around the world. 

Social Media and Youth Mental Health:
an event to confront the moral panic

In May of 2023, our GoodforMEdia team co-designed a youth-led event with the Stanford d.school around addressing the national emergency around youth mental health and social media. This report shares what we learned and how others can engage in this portfolio of work.

Review the Report (PDF)

Social Media and Youth: Findings and Recommendations from an Investigation into Teen Experiences

By better understanding typical teen experiences online, this project aimed to elevate what teens see as supportive in their online interactions and what they wish would change. The findings also raised many new questions and opportunities for further research.  

HX Report: Aligning Our Tech Future With Our Human Experience

Our #goodforMEdia team members were profiled in the HX Report from All Tech is Human: 

  • I am optimistic that our society can build a tech future aligned with our human values. More and more younger generations who are growing up in a digital age are advocating for healthier social media practices.” – Emily Chan
  • Paradoxically, connection is on one of the most powerful tools that technology offers, and when we are unable to be authentically ourselves when engaging with technology, we lose access to that tool.” – Zoe Adelsheim