News Mentions for the week of March 25, 2024

Our faculty often provide insight on current events and topics in the news.
Explore some of the articles that they have contributed to or been quoted in recently below.

  • Washington Post

    Bridges are their nightmare. The Baltimore collapse made it a reality.

    The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore has led to a spike in anxiety but could push some to seek treatment. Elias Aboujouade, clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, is quoted.

  • Spectrum - Stanford Medicine

    Ruth O’Hara named Co-Chair of NIH CTSA Program Steering Committee

    Ruth O’Hara, Senior Associate Dean for Research at the Stanford University School of Medicine and the Lowell W. and Josephine Q. Berry Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, has been appointed by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) to serve as co-chair of the NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program Steering Committee. In this role, Dr. O’Hara will work alongside fellow co-chair, Michael Kurilla, MD, PhD, director of the Division of Clinical Innovation at NCATS, providing leadership and guidance to the CTSA network.

  • The Washington Times

    CDC says drug overdoses leveled off in 2022 as U.S. mortality rate fell

    A slowdown of fentanyl overdoses led drug-related deaths to level off in 2022 as U.S. mortality rates declined for the first time since before the coronavirus pandemic, according to federal data published Thursday. Keith Humphreys, the Esther Ting Memorial professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, is quoted.

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