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Youth-led Projects

Media and Mental Health Initiative

Reporting Responsibly on Campus Suicide

RROCS seeks to provide a set of guidelines for students writing about campus suicides, as well as suggest effective strategies for covering wellness in the aftermath of crisis. RROCS is based on recommendations developed by experts in the fields of suicide prevention and journalism to help journalists decrease the risk for suicidal behavior.

Hear from our youth co-founders about the #goodformedia campaign. This video was recorded by Made of Millions as part of their 2021 Generation Change livestream series.


#GoodforMEdia is a peer mentoring campaign for older teens and young adults to share their personal stories, insights, and strategies with younger teens and tweens to support their healthy engagement with technology and social media.


#GoodforMEdia’s Guide to Social Media for Parents
#GoodforMEdia’s Guide to Social Comparison

Hear youth in the Bay Area express their thoughts on representation of mental health in the media.

Youth Perspective on Mental Health in the Media

Youth United for Responsible Media Representation Group, a group of past MMHI youth advisors, created a video asking their peers to share thoughts on entertainment media's portrayal of mental health.


Cinewell was a youth-led project under the Stanford Center for Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing, that created space to discuss and evaluate movies focused on youth friendliness, authenticity, accuracy and portrayal of mental health themes. The Youth Critic Council had 3 branches of work, curating film suggestion lists and resources pages with literature surrounding media and mental health, reviewing and evaluating movies using the Cinewell review template, and discussing and sharing reflections after movie screenings to explore themes around mental health and wellbeing.