News Mentions for the week of September 4, 2023

Our experts are often called upon to provide insight on current events and topics in the news. Here are some of the articles Stanford Psychiatry faculty have contributed to or been quoted in recently.

  • Financial Times

    How much for a good night’s sleep?

    According to science, good sleep is pretty simple to define: sleeping through the night, with few interruptions, and feeling rested the next day. But why we sleep remains a mystery. Clete Kushida, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, is quoted on the topic.

  • Next Avenue

    Are You a Compulsive Shopper?

    Binge buying is a serious problem that can affect mood, relationships, quality of life, and financial security - but it can be treated. Elias Aboujaoude, clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, provides comment.

  • Washington Post

    What patients — and doctors — should know about ‘benzo’ withdrawal

    There is little awareness about the consequences of withdrawing from long-term use or high doses of Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan and Valium. Anna Lembke, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, provides comment.

  • NY Times

    How to Handle Conflict When You Hate Confrontation

    There are healthy ways to have uncomfortable conversations, experts say. Karen Osilla, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, provides comment.

  • The People's Pharmacy

    How Hypnosis Can Help Your Health

    The practice of hypnosis can help patients manage a wide range of health problems, so long as they are hypnotizable. David Spiegel, the Jack, Lulu, and Sam Willson Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, is interviewed in this episode.

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