Home / Special Initiatives / allcove
where every youth belongs, choose the support they need and thrives
What we believe
Guided by our vision where every youth belongs, chooses the support they need and thrives, allcove centers are designed to create meaningful, positive experiences for every person who comes through our doors.
Who we are
The first of its kind in the U.S., allcove is developing an innovative network of integrated youth mental health centers designed with, by and for youth that reduce stigma, embrace mental wellness, increase community connection and provide access to culturally-responsive services.
allcove centers serve young people ages 12-25, providing a unique space for them to access our services, with resources and support for friends, family and the larger community. Our centers are embedded within the communities they serve and reflect the unique needs of local youth.
How we co-create
Everything about allcove is designed with, by and for young people.
From the look and feel of an allcove center, to the options young people have to engage in center activities, young people are our co-creators and our champions. We intentionally use a participatory process to co-create every aspect of the allcove experience with young people, and we’re excited to elevate and promote youth voices along the way.
What we offer
Anchored in a model of care that considers the holistic needs of young people, allcove centers are places for them to take a moment of pause and access a range of services. These include:
Mental health
Physical health
Substance use
Peer support
Supported education and employment
Family support
Why allcove?
Nearly 50% of all mental health conditions have their onset by the age of 14 and 75% by the age of 24. Half of adolescents meet the criteria for a mental disorder at some point and 79% of youth and young adults with mental health issues do not access care. Unfortunately, the United States lacks a comprehensive, reliable system of early socio-emotional care and support for adolescents to easily access early health and mental health services in an environment that speaks to their unique developmental and cultural needs. This lack of early mental health services is creating tragic and expensive consequences in communities across the country.
The current U.S. mental health system is not resourced to detect and prevent emerging and mild to moderate mental health issues, despite their astonishing prevalence. Young people with emerging mental health issues have difficulty finding timely treatment and a service system that can respond quickly and confidentially to their needs. Because of this lack of early intervention and the prevailing stigma surrounding mental health treatment, young people often do not reach our health, social service or justice systems until their mental health needs have become more severe and often more difficult and costly to treat.
Service approach
A focus on mild to moderate
The focus on mild to moderate mental health needs is the essence of the model and fills a significant gap in adolescent public mental health service provision. In addition, if the young person needs a higher-level behavioral health service, linkages are made to the community behavioral health system for more intensive intervention.
Integrated care services
Mental health, physical health, substance use, peer support, family support and supported education and employment.
The provision of integrated care services allows for holistic care for young people while also acknowledging the stigma issues related to being seen for a mental health related service. Furthermore, given the high frequency of comorbid health and mental health related conditions for young people, linking these services makes sense.
Centers are stand-alone sites with their own entrance and exits. Part of their success internationally is that young people see the program as their own independent place for integrated care. Also, by standing alone but still linking to the larger allcove brand, each center is able to reflect the unique culture of young people within the geographic community being served.
Marketing directly to young people
Critical to breaking down stigma and other barriers to access is strategic marketing and advertising campaigns that include linkages to local events, the involvement and voice of youth leaders, and ties to activities of interest to young people. In addition, marketing research and investments are made to ensure that messaging specifically targets a demographically diverse audience.
allcove development
Current and upcoming allcove centers
At each allcove center young people can expect a warm welcome, the comfort of being themselves and staff they can trust.
In partnership with the Behavioral Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission, we work together to support the ongoing development of allcove centers.
Explore the resources below to learn more about the development of the allcove model, previously referred to as headspace.
What is the role of the Stanford Center for Youth Mental Health & Wellbeing?
Stanford Center for Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing is leading the effort to bring the allcove model to the U.S. by building a community-academic partnership that has the potential to develop a nationally replicable model for supporting youth mental health with an early intervention infrastructure that does not currently exist.
The allcove model has been developed by the Center with input from its international collaborators, youth advisors, Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services, the State of California and its communities.
The Center has created the infrastructure and partnerships to pilot the first U.S. implementation of the model by opening centers in geographically and socioeconomically diverse locations within California.
The licensing of the program and the allcoveTM trademark in California is overseen by the Behavioral Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission with technical support and model integrity monitoring provided directly to centers by the Central allcove Team housed within the Center.