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4th Annual Native Youth
School and Community Wellness Conference

March 9-10, 2023


The Native American Youth Mental Health Conference brings together leaders, educators, mental health practitioners, researchers, Native American youth, and other stakeholders in fields related to Native American mental health and wellness to share up-to-date research and best practices on youth mental health & wellness.

The 2023 virtual conference discussed ways to empower Native American Youth and Families to thrive during difficult times.

Attendees discovered culturally relevant and science-based strategies to improve the mental health and wellness of Native American youth and families and better understand the importance of neuroscience when working with Native youth, learn trauma-informed best practices to engage youth during crisis; and learn how to use indigenous values and teachings to empower schools and communities.



  • Healing the Soul Wound: Working with Native American communities from a Postcolonial Perspective
  • Learning and Thriving with an Emotional Brain
  • Conceptual Strategies for Improving Mental Health interventions with Native Youth
  • Exploring Two Spirit Identity
  • Gendered Violence: The Silent Epidemic
  • Healing, Empowerment & the Arts



Educators, school administrators, Native American community members, and professionals working with Native American youth.

Keynote Speakers

Fabian Debora
Homeboy Industries Art Academy


Joseph P. Gone, PhD
Professor of Anthropology and of Global Health and Social Medicine
Faculty Director, Harvard University Native American Program

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, EdD


Harlen Pruden
Two Spirit Lab


Amanda Young, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Two Feathers-NAFS

Katie M. Edwards, PhD
Associate Professor
Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools

Melodie George Moore
Hoopa High School Teacher


Natalie Maria Scott
Hoopa High School Teacher

Mac Hall, MA
Project Venture Founder

Rohan Radhakrishna, MD, MPH
Deputy Director- California Department of Public Health

Ramona Herrington
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Conference Agenda & Recordings

Thursday, March 9, 2023




1:30 - 1:35
Dr. Virgil Moorehead &
Dr. Steven Adelsheim
1:35 - 2:00
Rohan Radhakrishna, MD, MPH Mental Health Equity in California
2:00 - 2:50
Mac Hall, MA Positive Youth Framework with Native Youth
3:00 - 3:10
Toby Ewing Welcome from the Mental Health Services Oversight Accountability Commission
3:10 - 4:00
Katie Edwards, PhD &
Ramona Herrington
Participatory action research to prevent sexual and related forms of violence among Indigenous youth
4:00 - 4:05
4:05 - 5:00
Natalie Maria Scott &
Melodie George Moore
A Conversation on Education and Wellness on the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation
5:00 - 5:15
  Closing Remarks

Friday, March 10, 2023




9:00 - 9:10
Emily Williams, LCSW-PIP, BCD Welcome
9:10 - 10:30
Joseph P. Gone, PhD Re/Counting Coup: Communicating Indigenous Vitality in the Age of Historical Trauma
10:30 - 12:00
Mary Helen
Immordino-Yang, EdD
Learning and Thriving with an Emotional Brain
12:00 - 1:00
1:00 - 1:50
Fabian Debora Healing, Empowerment & the Arts
2:00 - 2:50
Harlen Pruden &
Ryan Stillwagon &
Teddy Consolacion
Exploring Two Spirit Identities
3:00 - 3:45
Amanda Young, PhD Uplifting Native Mental Health Professionals
3:45 - 4:05
Two Feathers Native American Family Services Youth Youth Panel Presentation
4:05 - 4:15
Dr. Virgil Moorehead &
Dr. Steven Adelsheim
Closing Remarks


Please contact Judith Dauberman, Ph.D., at jdauberm@stanford.edu