Physician Scientist Bridge to K Program


The Department of Pediatrics Physician-Scientist Bridge to K Program (B2K) is designed to provide talented, passionate physician scientists essential financial support and career development mentorship to bridge the years between fellowship training and an academic faculty position. This competitive program will provide funding for selected early career physician scientists to complete up to three years as an Instructor with 75% protected time for research. It is expected that participants in the program will submit an application for an NIH Career Development (K) Award or equivalent.

B2K Info Session

Join our information session on September 6, 2024, from noon-1 pm (RECORDING & SLIDES) to discuss tips & strategies for preparing the research and career development plans for your 2024 Bridge to K application. Slides and the recording will be available. 

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must possess an MD, DO, or MD/PhD degree
  • Must meet one of the following criteria:
    • be a fellow in their terminal year of fellowship
    • be a Postdoctoral Scholar + Clinical Scholar pursuing one additional year of postdoctoral training after fellowship
    • be an Instructor within the first year of their appointment after fellowship

Details of Support

Financial Support

Instructors in the Physician Scientist Bridge to K Program will receive Departmental support to protect 75% of their salary for up to three years.

Career Development

Participants are expected to attend the monthly B2K meetings. These meetings provide an opportunity for participants to present their research in a number of formats (e.g., chalk talks, job talks, formal research seminars) to a supportive environment for advice and scientific feedback. On alternate months, informative “Hot Topic” issues are discussed among the group with invited faculty. Examples of recent “Hot Topics” include:

  • How to give an effective chalk talk
  • Start-up packages and negotiation
  • How to run a sustainable research program

Peer Support

Resilience is a key determinant of success as a physician scientist. Peer support serves as a valuable source of encouragement, advice, and camaraderie. As the physician-scientist path has become less common, many young trainees and junior faculty may find it difficult to find physician scientist role models and colleagues within their own division. The B2K monthly meetings allow junior physician scientists from diverse specialties and research backgrounds the opportunity to connect with one another within their own community.

General Timeline

It is expected that all participants submit their first application for a K award (or equivalent) no later than October of their second year in the program to allow time for the submission of a revised application prior to the end of the three-year Instructor period. Please click here to download a copy of the proposed 3-year timeline for Instructors with key benchmarks.


For questions, please contact:

Cristina Alvira, MD
Director, Physician Scientist Bridge to K Program
Associate Professor, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine