Voice & Influence
The Voice & Influence online curriculum is designed to empower women and men to realize their professional potential, and help them create organizations where workers can excel, belong and thrive. This online curriculum features education modules with faculty from leading universities. Watch the videos individually or with a group, using discussion guides to share experiences and discuss what "One Action" you can take to increase your own voice and influence.
Redesigning, Redefining Work Videobook
The Redesigning, Redefining Work Videobook offers innovative ideas and leading-edge research to help you create inclusive workplace cultures where people thrive and companies win in the global marketplace.
Our suggestion is to use the RRW Videobook as a resource to spark new ways of thinking about your own workplace. The frameworks presented here provide a broad overview of the challenges facing individuals and companies and offer new ways of thinking about solutions. Whether used as a company training video, or as an online resource for a flipped classroom, the RRW Videobook can provide a solid foundation for engaging in important conversations about the future of work.