The Next Phase

Leaving Stanford

Discuss Your Last Day with Your PI

Send your resignation letter to your PI and Postdoc Manager Margaret Murphy  with the following information:

  • Last day on Stanford payroll
  • Forwarding email (non-Stanford)
  • Forwarding Address
  • Your next position: Title and Institution

Health Insurance Coverage

Your Stanford health insurance benefit will be active until the last day of the month in which you leave Stanford. After that, you can enroll in continuation of your health insurance through COBRA.

Complete Data Use Agreement with your Faculty Sponsor (PI)

Data use agreements are required to protect all parties working on research. Please plan to complete a data use agreement before leaving Stanford.

Your Stanford Accounts & Access

  • Your Stanford email will continue to be active for 120 days after the end of your appointment.
  • If you require continued access for lab continuity, please discuss continuing your email with your PI. Your PI can sponsor your email coverage for $18/month.

On Your Last Day in the Lab

Return your Med Center Badge, Computer, Lab Coat and Materials to your PI, lab manager, and administrator.

De-Encrypt Your Personal Devices

Please plan to de-encrypt your personal devices when you are no longer working on Stanford research.

Other Services

Check out the many great services offered by Stanford to Postdoc Alumni here.

If you are transitioning to another job at Stanford, please note:

Postdocs who transition to a staff position must meet a criteria to be able to contribute to the Contributory Retirement Account without the waiting period. During the New Hire presentation, they advise new employees to notify the HR Benefits Team if they have had prior service. University HR often reaches out to Postdoc Benefits to confirm postdoc appointment dates and pay information.

Stanford Office of Pediatric Education | Postdoc Services

Your Postdoc Team

In Pediatrics, we have a postdoc team to support you as you pursue your goals. Please contact us and let us know how we can help you.