Bettina Flores, BS, BA
650-723-5948 (office)
- CA Medical Licensure
- ePrescribe
- Meal Tickets-Holidays
- Name changes
- New Hires appointments
- New/Incoming appointments
- Visiting Residents
Visiting Residents
About & Eligibility
Stanford Health Care (SHC) welcomes and offers Visiting Resident (VR) electives from other institutions for short-term (2-4 weeks) rotations in a broad array of elective rotations that foster growth of medical knowledge through patient care.
All required paperwork must be submitted to the department/division in which the training will take place at least sixty (60) days in advance of the rotation start date. Approval is at the discretion of the department/division. Completed Visiting Resident Submission Form is sent to Graduate Medical Education (GME) office by the department/division no later than thirty days prior to rotation start date to avoid late fees.
Stanford GME accepts VR from Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredited residency and fellowship programs in the United States. The Medical Board of CA recognizes graduates of Canadian medical schools for a full unrestricted CA Medical License.
However, GME office is unable to sponsor Canadians on Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) on J-1 visas for short-term electives (less than one (1) year).
Eligibility Requirement
- One (1) year residency(internship)/fellowship
- US/Canadian Medical Graduates
- International Medical School Graduates who are currently enrolled in an ACGME program in the US.
GME does not administer or manage:
All required paperwork must be submitted to the department/division (click on “View program Contact List” for department/division contact info)
Stanford department/division will complete Visiting Resident Submission form thirty (30) days in advance of the VR’s elective start date. GME Registrar will process the submission.
After the training is assigned, VR and Stanford Program Coordinator will receive an email from the GME office containing further instructions.
It is important that VRs complete their assigned training. Please do so no sooner than twenty (20) days but no later than three (3) days prior to arrival. It can take up to two (2) days after completion of training to gain access to the Stanford systems.
The VR is required to stop by the GME office, 300 Pasteur Dr., HC435, Stanford, CA 94305 between the hours of 8am-10am pm for a five (5) minute check in the first day of their rotation, VR’s not reporting to the GME office on their start date will have their access revoked.
Late fee
Applications submitted to the GME office less than thirty (30) days prior to the VR’s start date will incur a late fee charge of $350.00 to the GME office by providing a Stanford Project, Task, Award (PTA) number
- SCVMC visiting residents should select the Stanford University link using their eight (8) digit student number.
- All others should visit Stanford Parking Permit to obtain parking information
How to submit a Visiting Resident Application
Visiting resident from institution with contract*
- Gather all required documents:
- Acceptance Letter
- JPEG photo for VR ID badge
- Copy of medical school diploma
- ECFMG certificate if applicable
- Proof of COVID-19 vaccination (including booster)
- Confidentiality Statement
- VR Information Form
- VR Social Security Number
- VR Date of Birth
- Gather all information in the Visiting Resident Submission Form
- Submit your visiting resident application via Visiting Resident Form
Visiting resident from institution without contract*
- Gather all required documents:
- Required Letters
- Letter of good standing
- Acceptance Letter
- Program Letter of Agreement w/ signature of home PD and Stanford PD
- Vaccination
- Proof of COVID-19 vaccination (including booster)
- Chickenpox
- Flu shot certificate
- Hepatitis B
- Measles
- Rubella
- TB Surveillance
- Mandatory Documentation
- JPEG for photo ID badge
- Curriculum Vitae
- Copy of medical school diploma
- Copy of medical license
- Copy of ECFMG certificate if applicable
- Document stating HIPAA training has been completed
- Institutional Photo ID Badge
- Confidentiality Statement
- VR Information Form
- VR Social Security Number
- VR Date of Birth
- Required Letters
- Gather all information in the Visiting Resident Submission Form
- Submit your visiting resident application via Visiting Resident Form
*Institution from contract are from Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC), Valley Children's and Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara