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Evaluations & Surveys


Evaluations and surveys are an integral part of improving the

  • program educational quality
  • trainee educational progress

Evaluations & Surveys

Source Category Type Administer Frequency
External Program Quality ACGME Survey by Residents/Fellows ACGME Once per year
ACGME Survey by Faculty ACGME Once per year
Trainee Performance Receives Milestone Data from Program Program Twice per year
Receives Case/Procedure Data from Program Program Ongoing
Internal Program Quality Program Evaluation by Residents/Fellows GME Office Once per year (FEB or MAY)
Program Evaluation by Faculty GME Office Once per year (FEB or MAY)
GME Housestaff Survey GME Office Once per year (NOV - DEC)
Trainee Performance Milestone Evaluations Program Ongoing
Clinical Competency Committee Program Twice a year
Summative Evaluation Program/PD At the end of training