Contact for Application Review Prior to Submission
GME Program Manager
Please click here to find out your program's GME Program Manager.
Program Expansion/Funding
Applicable for both ACGME and non-ACGME programs
Application Deadlines | 8/31/2024 | 3/31/2025 |
Expansion Only (No Funding Request) | Yes | Yes |
Expansion & Funding |
Yes | Yes |
Application for New Program | Yes | Yes |
Expansion/Funding Committee Meeting | Nov 2024 | May 2025 |
GMEC Approval Date | Dec 2024 | June 2025 |
Effective Date | 07/01/2025 | 07/1/2026 |
Results | See Table below |
Application & Process
Please consult your program's GME Program Manager prior to submitting an application.
Permanent Request
- Fill out the Expansion and Funding Form by visiting the Qualtrics link at
- Click here for a preview of the application form.
- The following documents are also required to submit online:
- A current and proposed rotation schedule (View sample)
- Competency based goals and objectives for your program (if new) or rotations (if new)
- Documentation of case logs and the RRC/Board requirements for case numbers.
- After online submission of the application is completed, emails will be sent automatically to the Program Director of your Core Residency Program and the Department Chair requesting their approval on the application.”
*Programs may not apply for funding for 2 years after a denial
Program's Next Actions
Decision Matrix: What should my program do after finding out about our request? |
Request Type | ACGME Programs | Non-ACGME Programs | ||
Approved Expansion | REQUIRED: Submit expansion on ACGME WebADS for RC approval. | No action items. | ||
Approved Expansion and Funding | REQUIRED:
Approved Funding | REQUIRED: Inform your program's Finance Department of added funding positions. | REQUIRED: Inform your program's Finance Department of added funding positions. | ||
Denied expansion, expansion and funding, and funding | NEW CHANGE: Programs may not apply for funding for 2 years after a denial OPTIONAL: Program works with GME Program Manager to improve the application for the next phase. |
NEW CHANGE: Programs may not apply for funding for 2 years after a denial OPTIONAL: Program works with GME Program Manager to improve the application for the next phase. |
Committee Members & Protocol
The Program Expansion/Funding Committee, a GMEC subcommittee, is comprised of:
- President & CEO, Stanford Health Care
- Chief Medical Officer, Stanford Health Care
- Chief Financial Officer, Stanford Health Care
- Chief Operating Officer, Stanford Health Care
- Designated Institutional Officer (DIO)
- Associate Dean of Graduate Medical Education
Stanford Children's Health (SCH) has a separate committee for Pediatric programs.
Change from GMEC
To review and recommend to the full GMEC action on all requests for new programs both ACGME and Non ACGME and all requests for expansion of current programs. The subcommittee will not have oversight of any funding matters or be able to grant/approve funding of any training positions.
Moving forward, programs cannot apply for expansion/funding for 2 years after a denial.*
*Effective January 2020
Recommendation Criteria: Program Level
The subcommittee members base their recommendations on the following:
- Evidence of educational quality of proposed program: There must be a written curriculum in place that includes goals and objectives. Define the educational purpose of the training program and intended goals of the program. Components that should be addressed include:
- Clinical and research components
- Trainees supervisory and patient care responsibilities
- Procedure/case volume requirements
- Didactic components (attach sample conference schedule).
- If a program is more than 12 months in duration, describe the progression in responsibilities by PGY level
- Criteria for successful completion of program
- Indicate Board Eligible or Certificate of Advanced Qualifications (CAQ) at complete of training
- A typical calendar year schedule, including training sites
- Qualifications of proposed program leadership and adequacy of infrastructure. The proposal should describe the following:
- Program director has adequate training/board certification and evidence of experience in medical education
- Adequate qualified teaching faculty
- Adequate administrative support
- Support from departmental leadership
- Potential impact on other programs (e.g. potential competition for surgical cases)
- Potential impact on existing program/trainees
- Clinical programmatic need – Does the proposed new program or program expansion address an important clinical care delivery need in SHC/LPCH?
- National/Regional need – Does the proposed new program or program expansion address a national or regional physician supply need?
Recommendation Criteria: Accreditation Status
To increase the number of trainees in your ACGME-accredited residency/fellowship, you must be in good standing with the Residency Review Committee and complete the following steps:
- Submit a completed Request to Expand an ACGME Residency/Fellowship Form to the GME Office.
- The Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) Subcommittee on Residency Expansion will review your request and forward its recommendations to the entire GMEC for discussion and voting. Discussion is solely based on educational merit. Funding issues are not considered.
- If your request is approved by the GMEC, you can petition the ACGME to increase the number of residents/fellows in your program using WEBADS. It is important that you email the GME Office after entering the WEBADS request. Ann must approve the request as the institutional official.
- After you've obtained both GMEC and ACGME approval, you can request funding from SHC for Stanford-based trainees. The funding committee meets once each year in the fall. Complete and submit the Request for Funding Form to the GME Office.