Site Visit
1. ACGME Letter
site visit notice via e-mail and ACGME website
2. GME & Program
collaborate to prepare documents up to visit
3. ACGME Site Visit
ACGME visitors conduct; program participates
GME Program Manager
Please click here to find out your program's GME Program Manager.
Last Revised 07/19/2018
ACGME Program selected for an ACGME Site Visit must work closely with the GME Office, particularly the GME Program Manager and DIO to ensure a successful site visit.
Your completed PIF must be in the site visitor's hands at least 2 weeks prior to your site visit, therefore:
- Submit your completed PIF (common and specialty-specific) to the Department of GME at least 6 weeks prior to your site visit by e-mail to GME The office will review the PIF and return a red-lined copy to you within 1 week.
- Do not include any attachments unless specifically directed to do so in the PIF instructions.
- Do not under any circumstances send the PIF to the site visitor without first obtaining an approval and signature from the DIO (page 1 of the PIF requires the signature of the DIO).
- Revise the PIF per the provided feedback and re-submit a single printed copy to the Department of GME for final approval and signature at least 4 weeks prior to your site visit.
- Upload the finalized PIF to MedHub under the Program Accreditation - Site Visits tab.
- Prepare additional supporting documents for the site visit.
- Prepare residents and faculty for the site visit.