Work Hours & Moonlighting
formerly called Duty Hours
All house staff are required to accurately record their work hours in MedHub. Hours should be logged weekly.
Failure to record work hours in MedHub may result in disciplinary action including suspension from the residency or termination from the residency program. Note that MedHub locks work hour entry and residents have access to the current week and week prior only at any given time. Residency coordinators can assist with back entry of hours.
With respect to work hours both on-site and off-site, all house staff must comply with the rules of the Department to which they are assigned and must also comply with any applicable ACGME, State or Federal Regulations setting limitations on work hours.
Professional activities in your off-time hours should be arranged so as not to interfere with your training obligations and your ability to benefit from your Graduate Medical Education Program.
GME has been asked to clarify the ACGME home call requirements for work hours. Please see below from ACGME.
Background and Intent: This requirement (work hours) has been modified to specify that clinical work done from home when a resident is taking at-home call must count toward the 80-hour maximum weekly limit. This change acknowledges the often significant amount of time residents devote to clinical activities when taking at-home call, and ensures that taking at-home call does not result in residents routinely working more than 80 hours per week. At-home call activities that must be counted include responding to phone calls and other forms of communication, as well as documentation, such as entering notes in an electronic health record. Activities such as reading about the next day’s case, studying, or research activities do not count toward the 80- hour weekly limit.
Internal Moonlighting
Internal moonlighting Residents are not expected to respond to pages/telephone calls from patients who are seen/operated on at outside hospitals where they do not rotate.
- Moonlighting is not permitted for:
- trainees under a J-1 visa
- active military trainees.
- PGY-1 residents
Follow this process to request moonlighting duty hour entry in Medhub:
- Log in to
- Select “Moonlighting Request Forms” on the left of the home page
- Pending requests are listed
- Select “Submit New Moonlighting Request”
- The following parameters are approved for all house staff
- Location: SHC
- Description: any additional details you can add to justify request
- Type: Internal
- Start date: today (date of submission)
- End date: End of your training period in 2023 for example 5/31/23
- Max weekly hours: 20
- Files: none required
- Select “Submit”
- Trainee can now see pending request in list
- Program director will get notification of request – approval or revision requested
- PDs see this tutorial on approval in Medhub
- Trainee can revise and resubmit in pending list
- GME office will approve
- Be sure to select “Moonlighting” dropdown option when entering these duty hours.