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Mae Manalo is currently on leave.
Please send your leaves and accommodation inquiries to Rebekah Donaldson:

Mae Manalo, MS

Associate HR Business Partner


Robbin Bankston

Finance and Business Operations Director


Stanford Health Care/Stanford Children’s Health
Guide to House Staff Leaves

All leaves of absence (LOA) must be requested through the:

  1. House staff’s Stanford Program Director
  2. Stanford Health Care (SHC) Graduate Medical Education (GME) and
  3. Hartford

The Hartford will confirm the house staff’s eligibility for leave under Federal & State leave entitlements and intake any documentation required to approve the leave, including medical certification from the healthcare provider.

House Staff are expected to file for State Disability Insurance (SDI) benefits and/or Paid Family Leave (PFL benefits) with the State Employment Development Department (EDD) during leave. House Staff cannot forgo applying for eligible SDI/PFL benefits to receive full pay from SHC during leave.

SHC will coordinate with eligible State benefits to maintain 100% salary for a minimum of six (6) weeks during an approved leave. If a house staff is not eligible for State benefits, SHC will maintain 100% salary for a minimum of six (6) weeks during an approved leave.

Make-up time to graduate from the training program is determined by the applicable specialty board and program director. Make-up will be at full pay and benefits.

Steps to be taken by the house staff:

  1. Contact The Hartford to request the leave and provide supporting documentation
  2. Submit a GME LOA Request Form to the GME office
  3. File a claim for State SDI or PFL benefits with the EDD

Forms and Links

The Hartford

State EDD (SDI or PFL)

GME Policies & Procedures

Pregnancy Disability

Time off:


Pregnant house staff are eligible for Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) as of their first day of employment. They are eligible for (up to) 17.3 weeks of PDL – actual disability period will be determined by their physician (typically six to eight (6)-8 weeks post-birth).

If a house staff exhausts PDL and needs additional time-off for pregnancy-related disability, GME and SHC Human Resources (HR) will consider a request for additional leave as a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The first week of Pregnancy Disability will be paid in full by GME using the house staff’s New Parent Leave pay (5 days) per GME policy.

During the disability leave period, house staff must file for State Disability Insurance (SDI) benefits from the CA State EDD. After the one-week waiting period, SDI will pay 60% of the house staff’s salary during disability. GME will pay the remaining 40% of the House staff salary to maintain 100% salary for a minimum of six (6) weeks during disability. Any unused sick and/or vacation/personal time will be used to maintain 100% salary.

If a house staff is not eligible for SDI benefits (new hire, hasn’t worked in CA), GME will maintain 100% salary for a minimum of six (6) weeks. One (1) week of New Parent Leave pay and any unused sick (up to four (4) weeks) and/or vacation/personal time (up to two (2) weeks) will be used to maintain 100% salary. One (1) week of paid time off must be reserved for use outside of a leave.

If disability will exceed 90 days, the house staff may be eligible for Long-Term Disability (LTD) benefits.

Bonding Leave (following pregnancy disability)

Time off:


Once the house staff has been medically released from disability, they may be eligible to take an additional 12 weeks for Bonding Leave under the California Family Rights Act (CFRA). The house staff must have at least one (1) year of employment with Stanford Health Care (SHC) and worked 1,250 hours within the 12-month period immediately prior to the leave request in order to be eligible for this additional time-off. This leave can be taken intermittently (minimum of two (2) weeks at a time), but cannot be taken after the child’s first birthday.

If the house staff is not eligible for bonding leave under CFRA, they may use their available vacation/personal time following their release from disability leave. One (1) week of paid time off must be reserved for use outside of a leave.

Following disability, if the house staff takes additional time-off for bonding, they must file for Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits through the CA State EDD. PFL will pay 60% of the house staff’s salary for up to eight (8) weeks. There is no waiting period with the State for PFL benefits.

House staff may use available vacation/personal time to integrate with PFL to maintain 100% salary. One (1) week of paid time off must be reserved for use outside of a leave.

If a house staff is not eligible for SDI benefits (new hire, hasn’t worked in CA), GME will maintain 100% salary for a minimum of six (6) weeks. One (1) week of New Parent Leave pay and any unused sick (up to four (4) weeks) and/or vacation/personal time (up to two (2) weeks) will be used to maintain 100% salary. One (1) week of paid time off must be reserved for use outside of a leave.

If disability will exceed 90 days, the house staff may be eligible for Long-Term Disability (LTD) benefits. 

New Parent/Bonding Leave (non-pregnancy)

Time off:


Non-pregnant House staff are eligible for a minimum of six (6) weeks of New Parent/Bonding Leave.

Any house staff who has at least one (1) year of employment with SHC and has worked 1,250 hours within the 12-month period immediately prior to the leave request is eligible for up to 12 weeks of leave to bond with their newborn under the California Family Rights Act (CFRA). This leave can be taken intermittently (minimum of two (2) weeks at a time), but cannot be taken after the child’s first birthday.

During time off for baby bonding, House staff must file for Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits through the CA State EDD. PFL will pay 60% of the house staff’s salary for up to eight (8) weeks. There is no waiting period with the State for PFL benefits. If eligible for PFL, GME will pay the remaining 40% of the house staff’s salary to maintain 100% salary for a minimum of six (6) weeks during bonding leave. Any unused sick and/or vacation/personal time will be used to maintain 100% salary.

If a house staff is not eligible for PFL benefits (new hire, hasn’t worked in CA), GME will maintain 100% salary for a minimum of six (6) weeks during approved bonding leave. One (1) week of New Parent Leave pay and any unused sick and/or vacation/personal time will be used. One (1) week of paid time off must be reserved for use outside of a leave.

Disability Leave (non-pregnancy)-For House Staff’s Own Medical Condition

Time off:


House staff are eligible for a minimum of six (6) weeks of medical/disability leave.

Any house staff who has at least one (1) year of service and has worked 1,250 hours within the 12-month period immediately prior to the leave request is eligible for up to 12 weeks of leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for their own medical condition.

If a house staff is not eligible for leave under FMLA, GME and SHC Human Resources (HR) will consider a request for medical leave as a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

During disability leave, the house staff must file for State Disability Insurance (SDI) benefits from the CA State EDD. After the one-week waiting period, SDI will pay 60% of the house staff’s salary during disability. GME will pay the remaining 40% of the house staff salary to maintain 100% salary for a minimum of six (6) weeks during disability leave. Any unused sick and/or vacation/personal time will be used to maintain 100% salary during disability.

If a house staff is not eligible for SDI benefits, GME will maintain 100% salary for a minimum of six (6) weeks during an approved medical leave. Any unused sick and/or vacation/personal time will be used. One (1) week of paid time off must be reserved for use outside of a leave.

After 90 days, house staff are eligible for Long-Term Disability (LTD) benefits.

Family Medical Leave-Care for a Family Member

Time off:


House staff are eligible for a minimum of six (6) weeks of leave to care for a covered family member.

Any house staff who has at least one (1) year of service and has worked 1,250 hours within the 12-month period immediately prior to the leave request is eligible for up to 12 weeks of leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) & California Family Rights Act (CFRA) to care for a covered family member.

During leave to care for a family member, the house staff must file for Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits through the CA State EDD. PFL will pay 60% of the house staff’s salary for up to eight (8) weeks. GME will pay the remaining 40% of the house staff’s salary to maintain 100% salary for a minimum of six (6) weeks during an approved caregiver leave. Any unused sick and/or vacation/personal time will be used.

If a house staff is not eligible for PFL benefits (new hire, hasn’t worked in CA), GME will maintain 100% salary for a minimum of six (6) weeks during an approved caregiver leave. Any unused sick and/or vacation/personal time will be used. One (1) week of paid time off must be reserved for use outside of a leave.

Benefits will continue for up to six (6) months of leave. house staff on leave greater than six (6) months will have the option to continue coverage through COBRA. Benefits will not be terminated for house staff who are eligible and approved for any Federal or State leaves.



Americans with Disabilities Act


California Family Rights Act


Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act


State Employment Development Department


Family Medical Leave Act


Graduate Medical Education

House staff

Applies to both Residents and Fellows


Human Resources


Long Term Disability


Pregnancy Disability Leave


Paid Family Leave


State Disability Insurance


Stanford Health Care