Program Evaluations
Program notifies GME
February - May
GME delivers evaluations
Review the evaluations
GME Program Manager
Please click here to find out your program's GME Program Manager.
About Program Evaluations
Administered: once a year between February - May
Residents/fellows and faculty must be able to evaluate the educational program at least once per year. GME delivers evaluations for all programs between February and May on behalf of the program.
- Program Evaluation by Resident/Fellow
- Program Evaluation by Faculty
These evaluations are confidential and anonymous. GME posts the aggregated results for all programs.
After the results are posted, programs can use the results (if available for your program) in their Program Evaluation Committee (PEC)'s Annual Program Evaluation (APE) meeting.
Timeline (Anticipated)
Help us help your program! If your program chooses the following month to send out Program Evaluations, these are the date windows to complete the following tasks: |
TASK | PROGRAM EVALUATION DAY | Send out evaluations on: 2/15/2018 |
Send out evaluations on: 5/1/2018 |
STEP 1: NOTIFICATION WINDOW & NOTIFY GME Notify GME Office when your program would like the evaluations sent out. |
- | 1/11/2018 - 1/26/2018 | 1/11/2018 - 1/26/2018 |
STEP 2: SETUP FACULTY LIST & NOTIFY GME Setup a Faculty List on MedHub. Notify GME Office the exact list name. Tip: How do I setup my Faculty List on MedHub? |
- | 1/26/2018 | 4/2/2018 |
STEP 3: GME QUEUES EVALUATIONS GME Office will queue the program evaluations. Coordinators/Program will receive an e-mail notice that evaluations have been queued. This is a prompt to review the recipient names. |
- | 1/29/2018 - 1/31/2018 | 4/3/2018 - 4/6/2018 |
STEP 4: COORDINATORS REVIEWS THE RECIPIENT NAMES & NOTIFIES GME OF ANY CHANGES Coordinators/Programs must ensure the evaluations are sent to the people the program wants. Please complete this step in a timely matter - the earlier the better. Coordinator/Program notifies of any name changes immediately. Please send the names in one comprehensive e-mail. Tip: How do I view the recipients for the queued evaluations? |
- | 2/1/2018 - 2/9/2018 | 4/9/2018 - 4/20/2018 |
STEP 5: GME APPLIES PROGRAM RECIPIENT CHANGES GME Office removes or adds recipient names and notifies the program to do a final review. |
- | 2/9/2018 - 2/14/2018 | 4/23/2018 - 4/30/2018 |
STEP 6: COORDINATOR DOES A FINAL REVIEW OF RECIPIENT NAMES Coordinator does a final review of recipient names. |
- | 2/9/2018 - 2/14/2018 | 4/23/2018 - 4/30/2018 |
STEP 7: PROGRAM EVALUATIONS QUEUED Program and GME Office wait for program evaluations to be sent out on MedHub on the queued date. |
1 | 2/15/2018 | 5/1/2018 |
STEP 8: GME NOTIFIES PROGRAM OF 7-DAY MID-POINT RESULTS GME e-mails a 7-day mid-point result to Coordinators/Program. |
7 | 2/22/2018 | 5/8/2018 |
STEP 9: COORDINATOR/PROGRAM REMINDS RECIPIENTS TO COMPLETE EVALUATION Coordinator/Program reminds the recipients to complete the Program Evaluation. Tip: See aggregation criteria. |
7 - 8 | 2/22/2018 - 2/23/2018 | 5/8/2018 - 5/9/2018 |
STEP 10: GME NOTIFIES PROGRAM OF 14-DAY RESULTS; PROGRAM EVALUATION CLOSES. Coordinator/Program and GME Office wait for program evaluations to be sent out on MedHub on the queued date. |
14 | 3/1/2018 | 5/15/2018 |
STEP 11: GME POSTS PROGRAM EVALUATION RESULTS GME Office posts the results in your program's MedHub > Program Accreditation > APE tab. Thi will notify the Coordinator/Program of the posting. |
- | 3/2/2018 | 5/16/2018 |
- | Date up to your APE/PEC Meeting |
Date up to your APE/PEC Meeting |
- |
ACGME Requirements
Per the ACGME Common Program Requirements:
- V.C.2. Program Evaluation and Improvement - Lists the overall requirements of the Program Evaluation Committee (PEC)
- V.C.2.d).(1) Confidential Program Evaluations by Resident and Faculty
- V.C.2.d).(2) Program Evaluation Committee (PEC) must review the Program Evaluations to improve the program
In other words, Program Evaluations must be included (if available) in the PEC's APE Meeting under the section of Program Quality (V.C.2.d)).
ACGME Citations for Poor Compliance
Failure to comply can result in the following citations:
- Citation for low compliance rate of Program Evaluation by Faculty
- Citation for low compliance rate of Program Evaluation by Residents
- Citation for completing evaluations beyond two week window
Aggregation Criteria for Evaluation Results
GME follows the ACGME Survey aggregation criteria:
- 70% completed responses for residents/fellows are posted in MedHub. If the evaluation has 4 or more completed responses, GME will generate the report. If the evaluation has 3 or less completed reponses, GME will aggregate the report for over several years until we get 4 or more responses (i.e. aggregate back to 2013-2016 to get 4 or more completed responses). This is to protect evaluator anonymity.
- 60% completed responses for faculty are posted in MedHub. If the evaluation has 3 or more completed responses, GME will generate the report. If the evaluation has 2 or less completed reponses, GME will aggregate the report for over several years until we get 4 or more responses (i.e. aggregate back to 2013-2016 to get 4 or more completed responses). This is to protect evaluator anonymity.
Your program can complete Program Evaluations up to the date of your program's APE/PEC Meeting. Please notify the GME Office to re-run the report.
Create a Faculty Group in MedHub
Administrators are the only MedHub users who can create faculty groups.
- Log onto MedHub.
- On the top navigation, click on the Evaluations tab.
- Scroll down and click on Evaluation Groups.
- Click on Add Evaluation Group.
- Name your faculty group "YYYY PROGRAM-NAME Prog Eval Group".
- Click Submit.
- You have completed this task.
Make sure to notify GME when you've updated your faculty group.
Recipient Find and Complete Evaluation
MedHub sends out a generic e-mail notice that an evaluation has been assigned to the recipient. This is how MedHub works and there seems to be no sign of change on this.
Recipient must:
- Log onto MedHub.
- Click on Evaluations.
- Find the Program Evaluation titled: Program Evaluation by
- Complete the evaluation.
View the Incomplete/Complete Evaluations
Administrators are the only MedHub users who can view incomplete and completed evaluations.
- Log onto MedHub.
- On the top navigation, click on the Evaluations tab.
- Under Evaluation Functions, click on any of the following:
- View Completed Evaluations
- Incomplete Evaluations
- Review the recipient names (incompletes show names, and completed evaluations are made anonymous).
- You have completed this task.
Make sure to monitor the incompletes and send reminders to your recipients.
View Queued Evaluations
Administrators are the only MedHub users who can view queued evaluations.
- Log onto MedHub.
- On the top navigation, click on the Evaluations tab.
- Under Queued Evaluations, click on your evaluation form-of-interest.
- Review the recipient names.
- If there are any changes, please contact the GME Office. The GME Office will make the changes.
- You have completed this task.
Make sure to notify GME when you need to make changes to your receipient list.