Annual Improvement Projects
Fiscal year 2024
Quality, Safety, & Health Equity Domain
Sustaining referrals and enrollments to General Inpatient Hospice program
Patient Experience Domain
Sustaining performance on ambulatory Likelihood to Recommend Care Provider
Sustaining Resident Communication Coaching Program
Wellbeing & Engagement Domain
Completing annual Wellbeing plan and end-of-year Wellbeing report
Developing and implementing a department-wide system for faculty vacation inbox coverage
Financial Strength Domain
Increasing access by optimizing utilization of available clinic rooms, as measured by visits per room per day
Patient Flow & Capacity Key Priority Area
Increasing meaningful participation of physicians in L4 Unit multidisciplinary rounds
Appropriately assigning observation and inpatient status
Identifying opportunities to reduce 30-day readmission rate in collaboration with other clinical departments
Participating in Access Compact 3.0 program
Fiscal year 2023
Project 1: General Inpatient Hospice Pilot
Project 2: Delivering Patient Experience Data to Ambulatory Neurologists
Project 3: Patient Experience Bundle in Ambulatory and Inpatient Neurology
Project 4: Improving Access to Neurology Follow-up Care for Patient Discharged from the Emergency Department
Project 5: Improving Access to Neurology for Obstetric Patients
Fiscal year 2022
Project 1: Reducing physician time spent on inbox management
Project 2: Reducing physician time spent on clinical documentation
Project 3: Model Line Work: improving the pre-encounter experience
Project 4: Designing a new system for sharing patient satisfaction data with faculty
Project 5: Creating a Neurology Health Equity Annual Report
Fiscal year 2021
Project 1: Reducing readmissions to the Stroke service
Project 2: Developing a patient experience dashboard that is meaningful to clinicians
Project 3: Implementing self-service scheduling for in-person and video visits in ambulatory neurology
Project 4: Adherence to tracheostomy/feeding tube clinical pathway for patients with neuromuscular conditions
Project 5: Portfolio of Neurology Improvement Projects
Project 6: Implementation of FastPass in ambulatory neurology
Fiscal year 2020
Project 1: Understanding Vizient Neurology Service Line readmissions
Project 2: Increasing patient access by utilizing patient appointment slots opened by late cancellations
Project 3: Improving patient access through self-service online clinic appointments
Project 4: Improving efficiency of practice in ambulatory neurology
Project 5: Identifying opportunities for improvement in the process of send-out labs for neurology patients
Infrastructure Gap 1: Integration of inclusive leadership training into improvement efforts
Infrastructure Gap 2: Iteration of the Mortality Review process
Fiscal year 2019
Project 1: Exploring the root cause of neurologists’ after hours work on the electronic health record
Project 2: Improving patient knowledge of the indications for their medications at the time of hospital discharge (CELT)
Project 3: Sustaining faculty utilization of the Relevant Clinical Conditions smart phrase at hospital discharge to accurately reflect severity of illness and patient complexity
Infrastructure Gap 1: Creation of real-time hospital mortality review process
Infrastructure Gap 2: Creation of monthly Neuroscience Vizient Scorecard
Fiscal year 2018
Project 1: Implementation of the Cost-Conscious Attending Rounds Checklist on the Neurohospitalist and Stroke services
Project 2: Implementation of the Relevant Clinical Conditions smart phrase at hospital discharge
Project 3: Reducing time from referral to scheduling appointments in General Neurology clinic
Infrastructure Gap: Creation of the Neurology Quality Council