Stanford IONM Program Events


Join us at the ACNS meeting in Austin, Texas March 25-25, 2023 to see our posters!

Comparison of Spontaneous EMG Activity from Two Lower Facial Muscles During Microvascular Cranial Nerve Decompression. Thomas Hirschauer, Felix Chang, S. Charles Cho, Scheherazade Le, Leslie Lee, Viet Nguyen, Jaime Lopez

The Use of Intramuscular Wire Electrodes for Intraoperative Recording of Cranial Nerve Electromyography During Skull Base Surgeries. Thomas Hirschauer, Felix Chang, S. Charles Cho, Scheherazade Le, Leslie Lee, Viet Nguyen, Jaime Lopez

Brachial and Lumbosacral Plexus Motor Evoked Potentials: Novel Intraoperative Techniques for Peripheral Nerve Neuromonitoring. Ankita Tippur, Felix Chang, Tess Ritchey, Sungho Charles Cho, Scheherazade Le, Leslie Lee, Viet Nguyen, Thomas J. Wilson, Guillermo Martín-Palomeque, Jaime R. Lopez.

Real-time Instrument Stimulation for Lumbosacral Pedicle Screw Placement. Ankita Tippur, Felix Chang, Sungho Charles Cho, Scheherazade Le, Leslie Lee, Viet Nguyen, Eric Jones, Tess Ritchey, Nicholas Sandoval, Atman Desai, MD, Jaime R. Lopez

Use of non-limb evoked potentials (EPs) in distinguishing spinal cord from limb ischemia in intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring (IONM) of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA) surgery. Felix Chang, Viet Nguyen, Leslie Lee, S. Charles Cho, Scheherazade Le, Jaime R. López


2024 ACNS Young Investigator Travel Award 

Rohit Gummi, MD IONM Fellow at Stanford has been awarded a young investigator award from ACNS for his abstract on "Intraoperative Surface Facial Nerve Mapping."  

2023 ACNS Trainee Travel Scholarship

Ankita Tippur, MD, Clinical Neurophysiology/Intraoperative Neuromonitoring Fellow at Stanford, received an ACNS Trainee Travel Scholarship for his work "Brachial and Lumbosacral Plexus Motor Evoked Potentials: Novel Intraoperative Techniques for Peripheral Nerve Neuromonitoring". 

2022 ACNS Young Investigator Travel Award

Thomas Hirschauer MD, PhD, Clinical Neurophysiology/Intraoperative Neuromonitoring Fellow at Stanford, received the ACNS Young Investigator Travel Award for his work "Multimodal Intraoperative Neurophysiologic Monitoring for the Detection of Cerebral Ischemia During Carotid Endarterectomy"

2021 ACNS Young Investigator Award

Felix Chang, MD, Clinical Neurophysiology/Intraoperative Neuromonitoring Fellow at Stanford, was awarded the 2021 ACNS Young Investigator Award for his work "Outcomes and Patient Characteristics of Intraoperative Peripheral Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SSEP) Changes"

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