Faculty By Division
Head & Neck Surgery
Division Chief: Dr. Sunwoo, MD
Chief of Head & Neck Surgery
Director of Head & Neck Cancer Research
Chair of Quality, Patient Safety, and Effectiveness Committee at Stanford Health Care, Medical Director of Quality at Stanford Cancer Center, Director of the Head & Neck Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery Program, Fellowship Director of Head & Neck Surgery
Director of the Head & Neck Oncology Program (Stanford Cancer Center)
Director of OHNS Robotics
Clinical Instructorship Director of the Endocrine Surgery
Director of the Endocrine Head and Neck Surgery Program
(Stanford Cancer Center)
Director of the Salivary Gland Surgery Program
Drs. John Sunwoo, Lisa Orloff, Chris Holsinger, Davud Sirjani, Vasu Divi, Heather Starmer, Fred Baik, Michelle Chen, Nathan Reticker-Flynn, Andrey Finegersh, and Jake Lee offer comprehensive management of tumors of the head and neck region. Some examples include:
- tumors of the pharynx (throat)
- larynx (voicebox)
- nose and nasopharynx
- paranasal sinuses (such as the maxillary sinus and ethmoid sinus)
- mouth and tongue
- salivary glands such as the parotid
- and endocrine glands such as the thyroid and parathyroid
A multidisciplinary Head & Neck Cancer Tumor Board meets weekly to bring together the expertise of surgeons, radiotherapists, and medical oncologists to recommend optimal treatment plans.