Annual Improvement Projects
Fiscal year 2023
- Improving efficiency of block time utilization
- Reducing intraoperative waste of pharmaceuticals in short duration procedures*
- Reducing OR case turnover time by improving accuracy of scheduling*
- Improving wellness in otology division faculty
- Optimizing the cardiac clearance process in head and neck surgery (RITE)
Fiscal year 2021
- Optimizing sinusitis and nasal obstruction referrals from primary care (Value Based Selection: VBS)
- Development of a bedside tracheostomy exchange protocol to enhance patient safety
- Reducing tracheostomy-related pressure injuries (CELT)
- Improving care transitions for hospitalized head and neck cancer patients
- Reduction in insurance denials for eustacian tube surgery
Fiscal year 2020
- Development of an elective tracheostomy pathway for patients with neurodegenerative disorders (CELT)*
- Reducing surgical case cycle time*
- Improving Body Mass Screening (BMI) in sleep surgery patients
- Increasing telemedicine visits in ambulatory otolaryngology
Fiscal year 2019
- Proper ICU utilization following maxillomandibular advancement (RITE)
- Development of service line dashboard
- Leveraging Enterprise Value Analytics (EVA) for divisional level quality improvement
- ERAS pathway for free flaps in head and neck surgery
- Improving likelihood to recommend scores (LTR) in Sleep Surgery Clinic (CELT)
Fiscal year 2018
- Creation of Quality Council
- Improving the informing of patients about clinic delays (RITE)
- Improving admission clinical documentation
- Improving tobacco screening and counselling compliance
- Reducing open outpatient clinical encounters
- Reducing intraoperative wastage of supplies