Health Care Symposia Archive
Sleep Surgery Dick Goode's Lectureship
Date: May 19, 2022 | Time: 3:00PM - 7:00PM
- 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM: James H. Clark Center, Room S360
318 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA 94305 - 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Li Ka Shing Learning and Knowledge Center, 1st Floor, Room LK120
291 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA 94305
Jorge Faber, DDS, PhD
Professor of Evidence Based Dentistry and Orthodontics at the Dental Post-Graduate Program of the University of Brasilia
Dr. Faber is Professor of Evidence Based Dentistry and Orthodontics at the Post-Graduate Program of the University of Brasilia Dental School. He has pioneered several areas in his field, including a 26-year experience in sleep dentistry. Dr. Faber has published over 110 articles in scientific journals and has given over 150 lectures in all continents. He also maintains a private practice in Brasilia, Brazil.
Alan Schwartz, MD
Medical Director of the John Hopkins Sleep Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Dr. Schwartz a longstanding investigator into mechanisms of upper airway obstruction during sleep and sedation, has established early-stage physiologic predictors of therapeutic success in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.
Robson Capasso, MD
Chief of Sleep Surgery and Professor of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, Associate Dean at Stanford University School of Medicine. Faculty Fellow, Advisor, Byers Center for Biodesign
Our conversation with NYT best-selling author John Colapinto on his book “This Is The Voice” April 15, 2021, 6 PM
In celebration of World Voice Day, the Department of Otolaryngology — Head & Neck Surgery had a conversation with NYT best-selling author John Colapinto on his newest book "This Is the Voice". This is one of the first books to explore the miracle which is the human voice. Colapinto thoughtfully examines what our voices reveal about our species, our cultures, and ourselves. We were delighted to bring together clinicians, artists, and academics across our Stanford University community to celebrate with Colapinto our human voice.
With us long before COVID...and with a proven vaccine...Preventing Cancer due to HPV. March 4, 2021
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the leading cause of cervical, anal, penile, and oropharyngeal cancers and is associated with 1 in 20 of all cancers diagnosed globally. In observation of International HPV Awareness Day, this Stanford University sponsored webinar will provide high-quality and up to date information for parents, adolescents, and health care providers about HPV impact and prevention.
11th Singapore Sleep, Allergy & Rhinology Conference. Sep 21 - Oct 11, 2020; Singapore Time (GMT+8)
Please join us at the 11th Singapore Sleep, Allergy & Rhinology Conference co-hosted by Stanford Otolaryngology — Head & Neck Surgery and ASEAN Rhinology Society.
Stanley Yung Chuan Liu, MD serves as Conference Chair.
Please note that all webinars are listed with Singapore times.
Featured Faculty Members and Alumni
Sunday, 20 September 2020
Karuna Dewan, MD: “Role of Tongue Base Reduction in Multilevel Sleep Surgery”
Badr Ibrahim, MD (alumni, currently at Hospices Civiles de Lyon – Hôpital Lyon Sud, Lyon, France): “Role of MMA in Multilevel Sleep Surgery”
Carlos Torre, MD (alumni, currently at University of Miami, Miami, FL USA): “Role of Nasal Surgery in Multi Level Sleep Surgery”
Christopher Gouveia, MD (alumni Kaiser Permanente, Santa Clara, USA): “Role of Upper Airway Stimulation in Multi Level Sleep Surgery”
Sunday, 27 September 2020
Robson Capasso, MD: “Otoinnovation at Stanford”
Michael Awad, MD (alumni, currently at Chicago, USA): “Nasal Breathing and Sleep Quality”
Sunday, 04 October 2020
Tulio Valdez, MD: “Paediatric Sleep Surgery”
Mohamed Abdelwahab, MD: “Maxillary Expansion: From Kids to Adults”
Soroush Zaghi, MD (alumni): “Update on Outcome of Frenuloplasty and MFT in Children/Adolescents”
Sunday, 11 October 2020
Stanley Yung Chuan Liu, MD: “Dome & MMA With Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation”
Courtney Chou, MD: “Position and Hypoglossal Nerve STIM outcome”
Head & Neck Surgery FREE virtual event on Ultrasound-Guided Radiofrequency Ablation of Benign Thyroid Nodules. Sunday, August 30th, 2020 at 5PM PDT
Radiofrequency ablation is revolutionizing the management of thyroid nodules. For patients who may have otherwise elected to delay or forgo surgical treatment, this technology provides a minimally invasive approach that spares normal thyroid tissue and function. As thyroidology evolves, it is critical that providers stay informed of options and expected outcomes.
This webinar is intended for audiences from all disciplines, and will address patient selection, procedural technique, and practice incorporation. Discussion topics include:
- What is radiofrequency ablation?
- Indications and patient selection for thyroid RFA
- Thyroid/neck ultrasonography and RFA-relevant findings
- The consent process: expected outcomes and potential risks
- Anesthetic and ablative techniques under ultrasound guidance
Also featuring demonstration performed and narrated by Brazilian RFA trailblazer, Leonardo G. Rangel, MD, with Erivelto Volpi MD, PhD and José Higino Steck MD, PhD.
Course Directors
Lisa A. Orloff, MD, FACS, FACE
Professor of Otolaryngology — Head & Neck Surgery
Director of Endocrine Head & Neck Surgery
Julia E. Noel, MD
Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology — Head & Neck Surgery
For any questions, please contact Rajinder at
Facial Plastic International Webinars Week 5: “Rhinoplasty Complications". July 11, 2020, 9 am PST/4 pm GMT
In this fifth in our series of Stanford Facial Plastic Surgery International Expert Webinars, we will explore the complications that can occur. Strategies for avoidance an options for correction will be discussed.
- Dr. Sam P. Most
- Dr. Paul Nassif
- Dr. Bahman Guyuron
- Dr. Tom Wang
- Dr. Brian Wong
- Dr. Yong Ju Jang
Facial Plastic International Webinars Week 4: “Non-Caucasian Rhinoplasty”. June 27, 2020, 9 am PST/4 pm GMT
Not all noses are the same, and neither any two noses within a given ethnicity. In this seminar, our expert panelists will discuss some general principles to use when encountering thicker skin, inflexible skin envelopes, weaker cartilage, low dorsums, and more. Cases will be used to illustrate technique, highlighting risks/benefits and tips for success.
- Dr. Roxana Cobo
- Dr. Jose Barrera
- Dr. Kofi Boahene
- Dr. Ashkan Ghavami
- Dr. Nazim Cerkes
Facial Plastic International Webinars Week 3: “Revision Rhinoplasty”. June 20, 2020 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Description: In this webinar, we have gathered some of the world’s top experts in revision rhinoplasty surgery. Revision nasal surgery is one of the biggest challenges in plastic surgery, and each of these speakers, including Dr. Most, will present a case that reviews a particular problem in revision surgery. Panelists will provide commentary and questions on the presentations, and registrants will be able to ask questions as well.
Speakers: Dr. Rod Rohrich, Dr. Dean Toriumi, Dr. Nazim Cerkes, Dr. Enrico Robotti, and Dr. Hossam Foda
Facial Plastic International Webinars Week 2: “The Joseph Method of Dorsal Hump Reduction”. Jun 13, 2020 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
With much new attention on preservation techniques, we should not forget the utility of the Joseph method. In this seminar, we will gather experts to discuss their techniques. Cases will be used to illustrate technique, highlighting risks/benefits and tips for success.
Facial Plastic International Webinars Week 1: “Preservation Rhinoplasty”. June 6, 2020, 9 am PST/4 pm GMT
Description: An internationally-recognized group of panelists will present their methods for preservation rhinoplasty, followed by discussion.
- Abdulkadir Goksel
- Jose Carlos Neves
- Fausto López Ulloa
- Miguel Goncalves
- Oren Friedman