Visiting Observer Program
Contact Us
Please complete the form to request the opportunity to participate in the Visiting Observer program in the Department of Otolaryngology — Head & Neck Surgery
Please contact prospective host faculty’s administrative associate for assistance
To see a complete list of all our department faculty members please visit this page
If you are interested in doing RESEARCH ON A FULLTIME BASIS AS A VISITOR for 30 days to 1 year, there is a separate process.
Most appointed visiting researchers are allowed to observe clinical care.
Visiting Observer Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Proof of the following vaccines and/or test results is REQUIRED for Clearance to Observe in Operating Rooms and Clinics.
Acceptable proof is a copy of official medical records with your name, date of birth, official stamp or doctor's logo, date of vaccine or date of test and test results.
All non-English records must be accompanied by a translation. The translation does not have to be “official”.
COVID-19: Evidence of full vaccination: 14 days after 2nd dose mRNA or 1 dose vector (approved for Emergency Use Authorization in the USA) and a booster vaccine (as of January 24, 2022)
Varicella (Chickenpox): Evidence of Positive Titer or of 2 Varicella vaccines. History of the disease is NOT acceptable.
Measles: Evidence of Positive Titer or of 2 MMR or Measles vaccines
Mumps: Evidence of Positive Titer or of 2 MMR or Mumps vaccines
Rubella: Evidence of Positive Titer or of 2 MMR or Rubella vaccines
Tuberculosis: ONE of the following within 365 days of start date (even if you have received a TB vaccine)
TB Skin Test: TWO TB Skin Tests, 7 to 21 days apart: Evidence of two injections, with a reading and the result for each
Quantiferon Test (QFT): Evidence of test
Chest x-ray: Copy of doctor's reading of results
Influenza: (IF observing from November 1 to April 30) Evidence of flu vaccine for CURRENT flu season (dated Sept 1 or later)
If the observer is a physician practicing in the USA, they may provide a letter from their institution’s occupational health department listing all the required tests and vaccines.