Visiting Observer Program

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This form is temporarily unavailable until January 20, 2025. Please return on January 20 to submit an inquiry.

Visiting Observer Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Proof of the following vaccines and/or test results is REQUIRED for Clearance to Observe in Operating Rooms and Clinics.

Acceptable proof is a copy of official medical records with your name, date of birth, official stamp or doctor's logo, date of vaccine or date of test and test results.

All non-English records must be accompanied by a translation. The translation does not have to be “official”.

COVID-19: Evidence of full vaccination: 14 days after 2nd dose mRNA or 1 dose vector (approved for Emergency Use Authorization in the USA) and a booster vaccine (as of January 24, 2022)

Varicella (Chickenpox): Evidence of Positive Titer or of 2 Varicella vaccines. History of the disease is NOT acceptable.

Measles: Evidence of Positive Titer or of 2 MMR or Measles vaccines

Mumps: Evidence of Positive Titer or of 2 MMR or Mumps vaccines

Rubella: Evidence of Positive Titer or of 2 MMR or Rubella vaccines

Tuberculosis: ONE of the following within 365 days of start date (even if you have received a TB vaccine)

    TB Skin Test: TWO TB Skin Tests, 7 to 21 days apart: Evidence of two injections, with a reading and the result for each

    Quantiferon Test (QFT): Evidence of test

    Chest x-ray: Copy of doctor's reading of results

Influenza: (IF observing from November 1 to April 30) Evidence of flu vaccine for CURRENT flu season (dated Sept 1 or later)

If the observer is a physician practicing in the USA, they may provide a letter from their institution’s occupational health department listing all the required tests and vaccines.