Leave Policies

For Clinician Educators

Chapter 3.6.B of the School of Medicine Faculty Handbook contains the policies governing leaves and Professional Development Leave for Clinician Educators. 

Overall Limit on Leave. Unless otherwise required by law, total time spent on leaves of any kind should not exceed 24 months in a five-year period (to determine this limit, count back five years from the end date of a proposed leave in this calculation, partial leaves will be prorated).  Total leave time that will exceed 24 months require the prior approval of the Department Chair and Dean’s Office.


For The Professoriate

Chapter 3 in the University Faculty Handbook contains the Stanford University policies governing leaves and sabbaticals.

Below are some useful excerpts:

Limitations on Leaves

It is the University's policy to place limitations on the granting of leaves. When considering a faculty member’s leave request, the department Chair and school Dean should determine whether the following four limitations have been satisfied:

Overall Limit on Leave

The total time spent on leaves of any kind normally should not exceed six quarters in seven years for faculty with nine month appointments or 24 months in seven years for faculty with 12 month appointments. (To determine this limit, count back seven years from the end date of a proposed leave. In this calculation, partial leaves will be prorated.)

Limit on Contiguous Absence

In addition, leaves of any kind, or combinations of leaves, may not exceed 24 contiguous months for faculty with 12 month appointments or two consecutive academic years for faculty with 9 month appointments, irrespective of percent time off duty.


Leaves may not be taken during the academic year immediately preceding retirement.

Short Absences

Short absences for personal business, illness, jury duty, military duty, and similarly limited absences normally are with full salary.  It is expected that when scheduling periods of personal time off, one’s academic responsibilities are taken into consideration and continue to be fulfilled.  The department chair or supervisor should be notified in advance of any absence that may affect class, laboratory, research, clinical activities or other University commitments.

Specific to Sababtical:

Return to Service Following Sabbatical

A faculty member must serve at Stanford for a period of time at least equal to the length of their most recent sabbatical prior to taking another sabbatical leave or terminating employment with the University. Failure to follow this policy, will result in department financial responsibility for the time the faculty did not return to service. Sabbatical leave may not be taken during a one-year terminal extension of a regular term appointment; upon recommendation from the Dean of the faculty member’s school, the Provost may approve an exception to this policy under special circumstances.  The sabbatical leave program aims to enable faculty to pursue their scholarly interests full-time and then return to their posts. Accordingly, accrued sabbatical time expires upon termination of employment with the University; there is no compensation given at that time for unused sabbatical.

Additional policy information can be found in the School of Medicine Faculty Handbook, Chapter 9, sections 3 and 5.