How to Organize Your CV/Candidate's Statement
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- How to Organize Your CV/Candidate's Statement

For the Professoriate (UML, UTL, RL, TL) and Clinician Educators
Curriculum Vitae and Candidate's Statement - Showcasing Your Accomplishments
The curriculum vitae and candidate's statement are the faculty member's voice in their reappointment and promotion considerations. These documents are sent to internal and external referees, who will write letters evaluating the case for reappointment or promotion. They are also included in the file that is reviewed by committees at the Department, School, and, for Professoriate, the University.
Keeping Current
It is important to keep your CV up to date by systematically collecting and recording relevant achievements as they occur. These might include:
- publications - articles, reviews, case reports, book chapters, abstracts
- extramural and intramural grants and awards
- teaching awards
- national service - membership/leadership in national academic organizations, journal review, editorial boards, study sections, grant review
- invited presentations
Any informative CV format is acceptable as long as it comprehensively communicates scholarly activities. The Detailed Guidelines (below) include information typically provided in anticipation of committee review. Candidates should be encouraged to review the list carefully, as it includes some items that are required, as noted. For example, Stanford requires that peer-reviewed and non peer-reviewed publications be listed separately. In addition, we ask that peer-reviewed publications be separated into ‘original research’ and ‘other’ (which may include peer-reviewed editorials, commentaries, etc.)
It is important to date the CV to indicate most recent update.
It is very helpful to order items consistently. That is, most recent to oldest, or oldest to most recent, for all historical lists such as educational history, professional appointments, presentations, awards and publications.
Optional Format to Highlight Candidates' Use of Practices to Enhance Research Rigor and Reproducibility
The Stanford Program on Research Rigor and Reproducibility (SPORR) recommends ways to highlight Candidates’ use of research practices designed to make their research reliable, robust, and transparent. Optional items include indicating the availability of protocols, analysis plans, analytic code, data, article’s public accessibility, trial registration, trial summary results, peer review reports, presentation materials and video recordings.
Optional Guidelines - Detailed CV (Professoriate) with Rigor and Reproducibility Items
Optional - Sample CV (Professoriate) with Rigor and Reproducibility Items
Candidate's Statement
The Candidate's Statement provides a faculty member the opportunity to explain their contributions, achievements and future plans in the research, clinical, teaching and administrative arenas.
Helpful Documents
- Detailed CV Professoriate Guidelines (.docx)
- Detailed CV (CE) Guidelines (.docx)
- Guidelines: Annotating Middle-Author Articles (PDF)- it is recommended that, for your current faculty term, you annotate all articles on which you were not first or senior author, explaining your role in the study
- Sample CV (Professoriate) (.docx) - a fictitious example demonstrating the recommended format modeled more for members of the Professoriate
- Sample CV (CE) (.docx)– a fictitious example demonstrating the recommended format modeled more for members of the Clinician Educator line
- Candidate Statement Guidelines (Professoriate) (PDF)
- Candidate Statement Guidelines (Professoriate) with Optional Rigor and Reproducibility (.docx)
- Candidate Statement Guidelines (CE) (PDF)
- Establishing Regional and National Reputation (PDF)