Resources and Opportunities
Prep for the Future
Retirement Planning Considerations
Professoriate: Develop Your Personal Advisory Team
Clinician Educator: Develop Your Personal Advisory Team
Visiting the Following Websites
Take Action
New Beginnings: Jumpstarting the Rest of Your Life
Individual Consultation
Couples/Family Consultation
New Beginnings Coaching
New Beginnings Coaching FAQ
"Go to" Resources
Clinician Educator
Professoriate FAQ
Clinician Educator FAQ
Iris F. Litt, M.D.
Associate Dean
Marron and Mary Elizabeth Kendrick Professor in Pediatrics (Emerita)
Janice Lowe
Associate Dean
Clinical Professor, Pediatrics
Newton Cheung
Program Manager
This website is intended to be a place where all your questions about resources and opportunities for Stanford School of Medicine’s Senior and Retired Faculty can be easily found. For senior faculty, this page is organized around resources for enriching your life now and guidance and support for those thinking about retirement.
Prep for the Future While Enriching Your Life Now
Prep for the Future maps out key steps for those considering future retirement. We also highlight Stanford resources to enrich your life now.
CLICK HERE for more information
Retirement Planning Considerations
Retirement Planning Considerations provide a roadmap to develop your personal advisory team and highlight key Stanford resources related to retirement.
CLICK HERE for more information
New Beginnings: Jumpstarting the Rest of Your Life
New Beginnings: Jumpstarting the Rest of Your Life: We have developed this program to provide guidance and support for our faculty contemplating retirement in the future.
CLICK HERE for more information
New Beginnings Coaching
New Beginnings Coaching is offering 1:1 coaching to interested senior faculty on the transition to retirement. Traditional retirement planning typically focuses on financial issues but does not address the social and emotional aspects of retirement.
CLICK HERE for more information
"Go to" Resources
“Go to” Resources: This page is in response to requests for guidance in finding information about transition planning contacts, resources, and websites, including a Faculty Retirement Checklist and CE Retirement Checklist.
CLICK HERE for more information
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions: We have highlighted a FAQ section for the professoriate (including FRIP) and a FAQ section for clinician educators related to retirement and key resources.
CLICK HERE for more information