Offer Letter


Draft Offer Letter Package

General Consideration

Before releasing an offer letter to your candidate, the draft document will be reviewed by OAA staff to ensure correct use of the template document, inclusion of appropriate academic criteria and performance expectations, and appropriate discussion of the plan for review and appointment. It will also be reviewed by School of Medicine Finance staff to ensure the inclusion of appropriate language regarding salary and other resources to be provided to the candidate. Finally, the offer letter, along with letters of evaluation, will be reviewed by the Vice Dean before the offer is approved. Edits may be requested by OAA and/or Finance.

Before releasing the letter to the candidate, you are responsible for ensuring that all requested edits have been made to the document, and that explicit permission to release the letter has been received from both Finance and OAA.

Offer letters should be submitted with the corresponding search report. A draft offer letter will not generally be approved before the corresponding search report is approved (or before we receive notification that the Provost has approved a waiver of search). In most cases, a draft offer letter will not be approved before receipt of at least three letters of evaluation (see below).

Also, if the candidate is not a U.S. citizen, please ensure that the department has handled any relevant immigration issues.

General Process Overview

  • Department submits required items to OAA and Finance (via email – items listed below).
  • OAA issues academic approval.
  • Faculty Compensation communicates financial approval to department and provides department with combined edits from OAA and Finance.
  • Department makes edits and releases offer letter to candidate.
  • Department sends copy of offer letter, signed by candidate, to OAA and to Faculty Compensation.
  • Items to be Submitted (via email) to OAA:
    • Search Report
    • Current CV and Bibliography
    • Draft Offer Letter. Generate the letter using the appropriate template, downloaded from the OAA web site to ensure current language.
    • Referee Letters
  • Items to be Submitted (via email) to Finance:
    • Draft Offer Letter
    • Personnel Action Form (PAF)   
    • Support Memo  (if applicable) If the faculty candidate will have significant responsibilities at an outside institution and/or be paid by an outside institution, attach a brief memo from that institution acknowledging the faculty candidate’s planned role and funding as applicable. This most commonly applies to faculty members based at the VAPAHCS.
    • Current CV