

You will find a Faculty Retirement Planning Guide on the Cardinal at Work website.

Retirement: For the Professoriate

The decision to retire can involve a complex combination of personal and professional considerations, and can require information from a variety of sources. 

Faculty members who become official university retirees receive the emeritus or emerita title authorized by the Board of Trustees and become senior members of the Academic Council with privileges of the floor and of service on committees, but without the right to vote or hold office.

The Office of the Provost website offers the most comprehensive and updated information on faculty retirement including:

  • Eligibility for Retirement
  • Retirement Overview
  • Retirement Savings Plans
  • Workshops & Guidance
  • Faculty Retirement Incentive Program (FRIP)
  • Privileges & Benefits for Emeriti Faculty
  • Living Well in Retirement
  • Intent to Retire Form (can be found on this page, under, When You Decide to Retire >> Notify your Department Chair or Dean)

The Cardinal at Work website also provides information on faculty and staff retirement.

For more information about privileges and benefits for emeriti faculty, please go HERE.


    Retirement: For the CE

Retirement eligibility for Clinician Educators is set forth in Administrative Guide, Section 2.1.10. Additional counseling and information on medical benefits in retirement can be obtained from the University HR Service Team at 650-736-2985.

Upon retirement and upon meeting certain qualifications, Clinician Educators may request Staff Emeritus or Staff Emerita status.  For additional information, please visit the School of Medicine Faculty Handbook, Chapter 3.3.G. For more information about privileges and benefits for emeriti/ae staff, please go HERE.

The Cardinal at Work website also provides information on faculty and staff retirement.

Gradual Retirement

Clinician Educators may be eligible for gradual retirement.  Please check this webpage to learn more.

Stanford Sweeteners for Retirees

On the Stanford Sweeteners page, there is a “retiree” filter that makes it easy for retirees to see all the perks, benefits and rewards exclusive to retirees. Check this link for more information.