For New Faculty Affairs Administrators
Access and Training for New Department Staff
Once the New Department Staff Member form has been completed by the supervisor, access will be granted to OAA systems and OAA will be in touch to arrange a time for training/orientation. Due to the wide range of differing responsibilities for FAAs in the School of Medicine, training will be tailored to each individual's job scope.
Frequently Used Items
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the Office of Academic Affairs do?
OAA’s main function is to support Departments, the School of Medicine and the University in (a) safeguarding the integrity, fairness, and transparency of policies and processes affecting the faculty, and (b) providing a supportive environment in which faculty can develop, flourish and succeed. Please see About OAA for a fuller description.
I am a new FAA. How do I get training in Faculty Affairs?
Please have your DFA or your supervisor complete the above form or contact Victoria Kanzaki in OAA for initial training, letting them know what your scope of responsibilities will be.
What business systems will I need to use in my role as an FAA?
For Academic Staff-Teaching, Other Teaching Staff and CE lines, you will use FARM and FASA. For Professoriate lines, you will use Faculty Billets, FARM and FSAT.
How do I get access to these systems and training on how to use them?
Your DFA or supervisor should notify OAA that there is a new FAA, and request access to the appropriate systems from OAA. There are training aids for systems under the Data & Applications dropdown in the top navigation. For Faculty Billets and FSAT, please request training from OAA.
What other resources should I be aware of?
Use the Academic Affairs Glossary; ask to be placed on the FAA listserv; find out when the monthly FAA Roundtables are.
Where do I submit my long forms/FASA transactions?
For each population, there will be an OAA member for your department. Go to our Contact Us page to find out which OAA staff member is your contact.
How do I get answers to specific questions about a candidate or a situation in my department?
OAA is best able to assist when we have full details—or as much as you have—about the situation. You can direct your question to the OAA member for your department and line, or if you are uncertain where to go, just send your question to Adam Sherman.
What are the faculty titles in the School of Medicine?
You can find an overview of faculty titles in the Welcome to Faculty Affairs section of our website.