Training Evaluation
Multiple Accounts
There are multiple Stanford Qualtrics instances; accounts are separate and managed independently. The School of Medicine's account is distinct from Stanford University's IT (UIT).
Application Overview
Qualtrics is a survey tool used at Stanford School of Medicine to create surveys and evaluation materials that help departments solicit and collect information. Qualtrics is used for Clinical Excellence Surveys (CES), Professional Excellence Survey (PES), teaching evaluations, and referee letters for appointment actions.
Populations and Actions Supported

Professoriate, Clinician Edcuator Academic Staff, Instructors, and Clinical Scholars
Clinical Excellence Surveys are used for faculty and academic staff with Clinical Duties, and included as part of their reappointment, promotion, or line change files. These populations include (1) members of the Professoriate who have Clinical Effort in their appointment, (2) the majority of Clinician Educators, and (3) Instructors with Clinical Duties.
Professional Excellence Surveys are exclusively used for Clinician Educators without Clinical Duties. Professoriate faculty and Instructors should not use this form.
Department FAAs may download templates for CES/PES Reports, and Trainee Evaluations as well as find instructions for how to upload and distribute these templates at: TBD link with Qualtrics Tutorial content from: https://med.stanford.edu/academicaffairs/tools/qualtrics.html
Access to Qualtrics is facilitated by Stanford IT via a Service & Support Ticket.
For assistance, please submit a Service & Support Ticket.