Resources for Department Chairs and Faculty A&P Leads

Leading Faculty Searches

The Search Committee is a group of faculty members who oversee a search for a Professoriate position, who will look for candidates, review CVs, interview, discuss, rank, and vote on candidates. At the end of the search process, they will make a recommendation to the department chair on which candidate or candidates to select, or will report that no qualified candidate was found. For an overview on Faculty Searches and information about the Search Committee, including membership composition and committee charge, please click here.

Search Process Guidance and Resources for Faculty Leads

This section provides document references and guidance on best practices for searches, the search initiation checklist, search initiation form, and search report and draft offer letter checklist.

Example of Search Report Narrative Led by Search Committee Chair

Search Waiver Guidance and Resources for Faculty Leads/Reviewers

This section provides document references and guidance on the search waiver process and search waiver checklist.

For more information on guiding principles and instructions for requesting a search waiver is here, Please Click Here

Example of Search Waiver Transmittal Memo from the Department Chair

The below includes a search waiver transmittal memo example.