Faculty Onboarding
MedOnboard Overview
MedOnboard is a tool to assist hiring departments with the onboarding process for incoming faculty. This application serves as the formal onboarding tool for faculty and facilitates communications between incoming faculty, hiring departments, and school/hospital functional units involved in onboarding. This tool should be used for Professoriate, Clinician Educator, and Instructor populations.
Populations and Actions Supported
Professoriate, Clinician Educators, and Instructors
Departments may use MedOnboard to initiate the onboarding process for members of the Professoriate, Clinician Educators, and Instructors at the following times:
For Professoriate: when a candidate's offer letter has been approved by OAA and Faculty Compensation. (Timing varies by department.)
For Clinician Educators and Instructors: when the department has determined that the candidate will be hired.
Access to the MedLeave system is granted at the department level. Authorized department staff can obtain access by contacting their supervisors or their department's authorized granters. For additional questions, please contact:
For support, please contact
For questions about specific onboarding processes (credentialing, benefits, etc.), please contact the appropriate department.